

link 17.01.2019 18:59 
Subject: Reporter country & Partner country f.trade.
Оба термина употреблены в контексте торговли продукцией лесного хозяйства на сайте FAOSTAT.


link 17.01.2019 19:22 
А почему бы Вам не скинуть ссылку на соответствующую страницу? Так оно потенциальным помощникам было бы гораздо сподручнее...


link 17.01.2019 20:13 


link 17.01.2019 20:15 

The reporter country is the country that declares from/to the products that have been imported or exported (partner country)

там еще много пояснений, но не перевод)))


link 17.01.2019 20:16 
Благодарю за совет.


link 17.01.2019 20:56 
страна-заявитель (данных)
как-то так...


link 17.01.2019 21:05 
Critical analysis of the Worldnet freight flow matrices
4.1. Worldnet versus COMEXT
Let us consider the quantities of goods exchanged between EU countries. Two Country x Country matrices are established from the COMEXT database. These matrices contain the international exchange of goods based, on the one hand, on the flow of dispatches, and on the other hand, on the flow of arrivals. Eurostat (COMEXT) distinguishes between these two types of flow, because the resulting statistics show a certain asymmetry. The reasons for this are set out in section 3.1. In this case, the two COMEXT matrices (arrival and dispatch) are very asymmetric. For example, the volume of trade from Austria to Italy varies by 10% depending on whether we consider dispatch flows (11,636,095 tons; the “Reporter” country is Austria and the “Partner” country is Italy) or those of arrivals (10,469,521 tons; the “Reporter” country is Italy, and the “Partner” country is Austria), thus there is a major difference of more than 1 Mt. Furthermore, the mean of variations is 198%. This mean drops 5 to 22% when the observations for which the differences are extreme (flows involving the islands of Cyprus and Malta, between Denmark and Latvia, and some flows involving Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland and Latvia) are removed.
Because of this asymmetry, we assume that the results of the Worldnet matrix, reconstituted according to the Community concept (including quasi-transit), and those of at least one of the two COMEXT matrices are more or less consistent. In order to verify this, a comparison is made between Country x Country matrices. Table 1 indicates the mean change (in percent) of the flows of the Worldnet matrix and those of the two COMEXT matrices and also the average absolute deviation (in tons) of the flows between the two sources.


link 17.01.2019 21:16 


link 17.01.2019 21:52 
как вариант "отчетное государство"


link 17.01.2019 22:04 
отчетная страна

При заполнении формы ввода данных в разделе «Статистика» Службы поддержки экспорта просто наберите «00» в поле ввода кода товара, «EU 27» в поле ввода отчетной страны и название своей страны в поле «страна-партнер».



link 17.01.2019 22:19 

Data from the UN COMTRADE database was used for the export values, measured in dollar value with 2005 as index year. This database allows collection of export data for specific goods classifications between two specific countries. The reporter country is the exporter and the partner country is the importer.


GDP of reporting/exporting country, measured in 2005 dollars. Data from UN stat.
GDP of partner/importing country, measured in 2005 dollars. Data from UN stat.


link 18.01.2019 0:24 
не обязательно reporting = exporting, a partner = importing
Критерии определения зависят от того, статистика чего собирается
В UNSD для учета импорта
partner country - это страна покупки/отгрузки/происхождения,
а для учета экспорта она уже страна продажи/назначения/потребления.
При реимпорте страна может выступать собственным партнером.
Страна, предоставляющая отчетность (reporter country), eще может называться респондентом.


link 18.01.2019 8:43 
Благодарю, господа.


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