

link 12.08.2018 17:35 
Subject: generate alpha gen.
Здравствуйте, уважаемые форумчане!
Подскажите, пожалуйста, что значит generate alpha?

Higher taxes should slow economic growth – that’s a common sense narrative. But the correlation between tax rates and growth rates is hard to spot. So, if you hold onto the narrative between taxes and growth, you say there must be something wrong with the data. And you may be right! But if you come across someone else pushing aside data to back up their narrative – say, arguing that hedge funds have to generate alpha, otherwise no one would invest in them – you spot what you consider a bias. There are a thousand other examples. Everyone just believes what they want to believe, even when the evidence shows something else. Stories over statistics.
Заранее признательна за помощь!


link 12.08.2018 17:41 
для начала можно почитать в общем толковом словаре хотя бы - и попробовать это осознать:
a. The mathematical estimate of the return on a security when the return on the market as a whole is zero. Alpha is derived from a in the formula Ri = a + bRm, which measures the return on a security (Ri) for a given return on the market (Rm) where b is beta.
b. The return on an investment portfolio that can be attributed to the skill of the portfolio's manager rather than the performance of the market.


link 12.08.2018 18:02 


link 12.08.2018 18:07 
Если обратиться к ссылке за номером 3, можно узнать следующее:

Alpha is what would be deemed "excess return." In a regression equation, one part describes how much the market's movement adds to your portfolio's return; the remainder of the return is deemed alpha. This is a measurable way to gauge a manager's ability to outperform the market.


link 12.08.2018 18:12 
В русскоязычных текстах alpha становится"альфа-коэффициентом" (реже - "альфа-фактором", см. здесь).


link 12.08.2018 18:16 
Спасибо огромное!


link 12.08.2018 18:17 
arguing that hedge funds have to generate alpha = утверждая, что хеджевые фонды должны обеспечивать положительное (или высокое?) значение альфа-коэффициента


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