

link 3.05.2017 16:57 
Subject: Заявки считаются полученными Исполнителем, если они были получены по электронной почте. gen.
Добрый вечер! Правильный ли перевод?
The requests shall be deemed as received by Contractor if they have been received via e-mail.

Спасибо! (Have been?)


link 3.05.2017 17:30 

The applications are considered received by the Contractor, if they were received by e-mail.


link 3.05.2017 19:08 
В этом случае есть ихнее железобетонное слово deemed


link 3.05.2017 19:10 
as received by Contractor

артикли за Вас будет дядя ставить?


link 4.05.2017 2:16 
Если это договор или другой юр. документ, можно использовать "shall":

...shall be deemed rceeived by the Contractor if...


link 4.05.2017 3:00 
have been или were?


link 4.05.2017 3:02 


link 4.05.2017 7:14 
я имел в виду "received"

 4uzhoj moderator

link 4.05.2017 7:22 
возможно даже duly received


link 4.05.2017 7:36 
См., например:
Notice shall be deemed received when an email is received in full by 5pm (or else on the next business day if it is received on a weekend or a public holiday in the place of receipt) or 3 days after the date of posting.

Notice shall be deemed received: if sent by e-mail 24 hours after the e-mail is sent


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