
 justboris 🖂

enlace 25.09.2016 12:47 
Asunto: history-free approach gen.
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history-free approach
Выражение встречается в следующем контексте:
Solid Edge’s history-free approach to 3D CAD means that you can work directly with your design geometry, and make changes instantly.
Заранее спасибо

 trtrtr 🖂

enlace 25.09.2016 13:03 
Есть вариант "синхронная технология":

 trtrtr 🖂

enlace 25.09.2016 13:07 
What is
in common for all history-free
CAD systems is that user
could easily perform different
explicit-modeling operations
- local warping, scaling,
adding some fillets, and do
some Boolean operations
(intersection, union, etc.) –
while in history-based
systems design modifications
are performed by changing
underlying 2D sketches or
adding new features.

 Jannywolf 🖂

enlace 25.09.2016 14:13 
без истории построения?

 paderin 🖂

enlace 25.09.2016 15:28 
да, без истории построения

 justboris 🖂

enlace 26.09.2016 8:44 
thx :)


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