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all time high强调
外交 наивысшая точка за весь период наблюдений; рекорд; абсолютный максимум
all-time high
Игорь Миг рекордно высокий
一般 небывало высокий уровень; небывало высокий; самый высокий показатель за всю историю (Ivan Pisarev); самый высокий уровень за всю историю (Ivan Pisarev); исторический максимум (The price of one Bitcoin reached an all-time high of $269 on Wednesday, surpassing the previous record of $267 set in April 2013. TG Alexander Demidov); постоянно высокий; самый высокий уровень (о ценах); небывало высокая точка
商业活动 рекордно высокий уровень
政治 наивысший уровень
法律 исторический рекорд (Alexander Demidov)
经济 наивысшая точка за весь период
股票交易 исторический максимум (In the first half, investment banker and risk manager James Rickards suggested that we are in the midst of a new Great Depression brought on by policy responses to the pandemic. While the stock market is currently at an all-time high, the reality of the lockdown has crushed small businesses, and we'll be seeing the effect of this for years to come, he predicted. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
财政 самая высокая историческая отметка (In the first half, investment banker and risk manager James Rickards suggested that we are in the midst of a new Great Depression brought on by policy responses to the pandemic. While the stock market is currently at an all-time high, the reality of the lockdown has crushed small businesses, and we'll be seeing the effect of this for years to come, he predicted. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
all -time high
: 21 短语, 6 学科