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Voice over Internet Protocol强调
微软 протокол VoIP, VoIP (The use of the Internet Protocol (IP) for transmitting voice communications. VoIP delivers digitized audio in packet form and can be used to transmit over intranets, extranets, and the Internet. It is essentially an inexpensive alternative to traditional telephone communication over the circuit-switched Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). VoIP covers computer-to-computer, computer-to-telephone, and telephone-based communications. For the sake of compatibility and interoperability, a group called the VoIP Forum promotes product development based on the ITU-T H.323 standard to transmit multimedia over the Internet); протокол VoIP
电信 Голосовая связь по интернет-протоколу (Александр Стерляжников); Телефонная связь по интернет-протоколу (Александр Стерляжников); Протокол передачи голоса через Интернет (gulnara11; это не протокол, это методология, технология, способ, на худой конец, но не протокол. Технология передачи голоса по Интернет протоколу VoIP представляет собой СОВОКУПНОСТЬ протоколов, таких как, например, UDP, SIP, QoS и пр., что обеспечивает, собственно, передачу. Так что говорить, что VoIP - это протокол, есть принципиальная ошибка. Vollmond)
voice over Internet protocol
电子产品 система телефонии по протоколу передачи данных в Internet; система телефонии по протоколу IP; система VoIP
通讯 передача голоса по протоколу IP (VoIP)
voice over Internet Protocol
数据处理 голосовая связь по протоколу IP; IP-телефония
voice over internet protocol
军队, 航空 передача голосовых данных с применением межсетевого протокола
 英语 词库
Voice over Internet Protocol
微软 VoIP (The use of the Internet Protocol (IP) for transmitting voice communications. VoIP delivers digitized audio in packet form and can be used to transmit over intranets, extranets, and the Internet. It is essentially an inexpensive alternative to traditional telephone communication over the circuit-switched Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). VoIP covers computer-to-computer, computer-to-telephone, and telephone-based communications. For the sake of compatibility and interoperability, a group called the VoIP Forum promotes product development based on the ITU-T H.323 standard to transmit multimedia over the Internet)
缩写, 航天, 军队 VoIP
Voice over Internet Protocol The use of the Internet Protocol (IP) for transmitting voice communications. VoIP delivers digitized audio in packet form and can be used to transmit over intranets, extranets, and the Internet. It is essentially an inexpensive alternative to traditional telephone communication over the circuit-switched Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). VoIP covers computer-to-computer, computer-to-telephone, and telephone-based communications. For the sake of compatibility and interoperability, a group called the VoIP Forum promotes product development based on the ITU-T H.323 standard to transmit multimedia over the Internet
微软 VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)
缩写, 微软 VoIP
Voice-over Internet Protocol VoIP
信息技术 Also called IP Telephony, Internet Telephony and Broadband Phone, a technology that makes it possible to have a voice conversation over the Internet or over any dedicated Internet Protocol IP network instead of over dedicated voice transmission lines
Voice over Internet Protocol: 3 短语, 2 学科