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строительство 名词强调
一般 housebuilding (домов); real estate development (Lavrov); organization; building; construction; act of building; construction site
Gruzovik, 建造 organization
军队, 技术 construction effort; construction project; construction work; engineering project; working project
商业活动 building activity; building and construction work; site area
地震学 development work
库页岛 engineering procurement construction
建造 building and construction; civil engineering work; construction activities; engineering development; civils (DRE); civil (DRE); civil engineering public works; development
技术 building industry; construction engineering; engineering; erection; fabrication; building site (место проведения строительных работ); constructional engineering; civil engineering
教育 civil construction (направление подготовки Ivan Pisarev)
林业 undertaking
核物理, 法律 construction (as a stage of licensing process)
油和气 construction (трубопроводов, морских сооружений, промыслов, скважин)
油田 rigging-up (буровых)
法律 building construction
管理 building (Dashout)
经济 construction operations; erection (процесс); construction (процесс); development (процесс)
美国人 construction activity
能源行业 build-lease-transfer; build-operate-transfer; build-own-operate; build-own-operate-transfer; build-own-transfer
航天 structure; design
苏维埃 work (В этих условиях важнейшее значение приобретало культурное строительство на Крайнем Севере. Boris Gorelik); establishment of (something; В.И.Ленин лично уделял большое внимание первым шагам социалистического строительства на Крайнем Севере. V I Lenin paid close personal attention to the initial stages of establishment of socialism in the Far North. Boris Gorelik)
行业分类 construction (ОКВЭД Раздел (Section) F europa.eu 'More)
财政 building trade (как отрасль); property development
铁路术语 project
铝业 capital work
食品工业 building-up
马卡罗夫 buildings; construction industry; construction industry (как отрасль народного хозяйства); installation; building industry (как отрасль народного хозяйства)
黄金开采 drifting (MichaelBurov); driving (MichaelBurov)
гражданское строительство 名词
铝业 civil engineering (aivanov)
 俄语 词库
строительство 缩写
缩写 стр-во
строительство за собственный
: 1 短语, 1 学科