
   俄语 英语
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一般 do justice; appertain; become; befit
编程 reflect
非正式的 belong
力学 correspond
微软 conform
纳米技术 amount to
装甲车 match up
| реальной
一般 realistic
договорнности | сторон
一般 neighbourhood
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соответствовать 动词强调
Gruzovik correspond to/with; be in line with
Игорь Миг sit well with
一般 do something justice (SirReal); appertain; become; befit (кому-либо); consist (needs an example of this meaning, otherwise should not be here ART Vancouver); follow; hew (чему-либо); jump; near (чему-либо); paragon; resemble; tie in with (Taras); go along with (DagerD); beseem; be in line (with); be suitable (to, for); compare (требованиям, стандартам); agree; comply; coincide; fit (по характеру, образу мыслей); be relevant (SirReal); conform (to); answer (answer the description – соответствовать описанию); work in (his plans do not work in with ours – его планы расходятся с нашими); consort (with, to); quadrate (чему-либо); be in line with (dms); be en rapport; be in character (with); be in harmony with something (чему-либо); be in tune with something (чему-либо); keep with (Notburga); be true to (Баян); be in harmony with something (чему-либо); be on all fours; be suitable (to/for); hew (conform, adhere VLZ_58); go with (чему-либо); be compliant with (Johnny Bravo); be compliant to (Johnny Bravo); be in key with something (чему-либо academic.ru Ralana); be consonant with (Johnny Bravo); tally; hang together; go with it (ethical issues that go with it – этические вопросы, связанные с этим Olga Fomicheva); jive with (this description doesn't jive with what our experience has been lenabrandt); be in adequation with (Johnny Bravo); work out to (о количестве: Although it would be impossible to determine how many of the nearly 170,000 reports in the books were genuine instances of UFO sightings, Costa said they were most comfortable with a figure of about five percent. This works out to over 8200 legitimate cases for the period the books cover. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver); avail (чему-л.); became; comportment; correlate; correlative; fill out; homologate; be of a parcel with; shape; suffice; correspond (with dat., to); be right for (a position); tally with (sth., чему-л.); look the part (Vladlena Salita); fulfill (чему-либо); match; suit; accord with; answer (answer the description – соответствовать описанию; answer the goal – соответствовать цели); accord; come up to; chime; comply with (чему-л., кому-л.); meet (the requirements); comport; dovetail; jibe (his words and actions do not jibe – у него слова расходятся с делом); parallel; respond; satisfy (требованиям); be in character; be in congruence with (чему-либо); be in step; check with; jump upon; sort with; act (чему-либо); come up; fit in; size up; be in tune with (чему-либо); square (with, to); consort; quadrate; bring into accordance with (Lavrov); bring in line with (Lavrov); streamline (Lavrov); comport with (Lavrov); align with (0 volts is aligned with the horizontal reference line. alex); hit off; be en rapport; fill the bill; be appropriate to (bookworm); fashion (Aly19); occur (Nadia U.); live up to (Баян); be true to (Баян); be in sync with (Notburga); in keeping with the character of (tfennell); line up with (tavost); parallelize; sympathize; be in agreement with; up; fall in; work in; be in compliance with something (чему-либо); correspond with something (чему-либо); address (Lub-off); fall within (Alexander Matytsin); fall under (определению, категории, признаку и т.п. Venita); tie with (Taras); be compatible with (чему-либо; External dimensions must be compatible with U.S. highway size regulations. I. Havkin); be up to (стандарту); tick a box (Nibiru); tick all the boxes (Nibiru); be equivalent to (в значении отождествления, встречается систематически (Seawater has a salinity of roughly 35,000 ppm, equivalent to 35 grams of salt per one liter = "...что соответствует...") Phyloneer); toe the line (pothead2104); align (with sankozh)
Gruzovik, 过时/过时 reciprocate
Gruzovik, 非正式的 be equal
SAP 技术。 am according to; are according to; be according to; be that of
不赞成 consort (with, to)
俚语 take the rap; rap
力学 correspond (to – чем-либо); answer (to – чем-либо)
化学 conform to
商业活动 meet (опред. показателям; some criteria Val_Ships); accept; be adequate; be commensurate with; correspond to; fulfil; register; be aligned with (The stipulations of the agreement are aligned with our own expectations of operational excellence SirReal); be based on something (чему-либо igisheva); account for (MichaelBurov)
地质学 fit to
地震学 fit; meet (напр., требованиям)
外交 fit with (чему-либо); meet (требованиям и т.п.); be in harmony with (чему-либо)
媒体 accord (with); conform; correspond (with, to)
导航 answer
库页岛 be in line keeping with; be in keeping with; be in line with; be consistent with (SB Resolution)
建造 match up (о деталях)
微软 conform (To be in accordance with requirements, specifications, or explicit expectations)
惯用语 fall in line (Interex); in character with (VLZ_58)
技术 stand for (при расшифровках обозначений, напр., в формуле Phyloneer)
摄影 fit into a part
数学 match up; cohere; be in accord with; go with; measure up; be matched (by); conform with
方言, 讽刺 set
机械工程 mate
机械工程, 过时/过时 match up (напр. о детали, сопряжённой с другой деталью)
汽车 match with (о сопряжённых деталях)
油和气 equate (приравниваться olga garkovik)
法律 respond (напр., требованиям); be on all founders; stand with; be on all fours
电子产品 make; satisfy
科学的 be attributable to something (чему-либо igisheva)
纳米技术 amount to
经济 conform (напр., техническим условиям); be in conformity; be up to; be in accord; be in conformity; be in congruence; be in keeping; be in line; be up to the task (своему предназначению и т.п. A.Rezvov)
编程 reflect (ssn)
美国人 size; marry up idiom (the reactor did not marry up to his expectations Val_Ships); check (with, редк. against)
自动化设备 match together
航海 square
装甲车 match up (о сопряжённых деталях)
语境意义 hold up against (каким-либо меркам или стандартам; обыкн. с отрицанием: There are many aspects of that law that we don't believe would hold up against the 1991 constitution because, frankly, they belong to the dark ages. • During the 1990s, less and less policy developed at the local level has been able to hold up against the requirements imposed by central government. • I mean, the 550D was popular for a good reason, but it just doesn't hold up against the expectations of a 2015 camera. – ...но в 2015 году от фотоаппрата ждешь чего-то большего. 4uzhoj)
过时/过时 besort; congree
运输 correspond with (чему-либо); match with (чему-либо)
铁路术语 pass
陈词滥调 tally with (*обычно с отрицанием*: "I wouldn't trust any reports of an old and strange event like this unless I'd seen the data," says science writer Philip Ball. He agrees that the elements said to have been observed in the "angel hair" don't seem to tally with the spider theory. "Magnesium and calcium are fairly common elements in living bodies, boron and silicon much less so – but if these were the main elements that the white fluff contained, it doesn't sound to me as though they'd come from spiders," he says. (bbc.com) ART Vancouver); fall in line with (This latest development falls in line with the entire plan. • Her outfit clearly did not fall in line with the company work dress code. • BC government is considering moving BC Family Day to the third week of February so it falls in line with similar breaks in other provinces. ART Vancouver)
非正式的 belong; be equal; stack up; jibe (чему-либо; Her ​story just doesn’t jibe with what the other ​witnesses say. Val_Ships); tick the box (VLZ_58)
马卡罗夫 act up (чему-либо); act up to (чему-либо); add up; agree with; appertain to; be in character (with; чему-либо); be in character with something (чему-либо); be in line with something (чему-либо); be up to (стандарту); chime in with; come up to (чему-либо); come within; compare with (требованиям, стандартам); comply with (стандартам); comport with (чему-либо); consist with; consort to; consort with; correspond to something (чему-либо); equate with (чему-либо); fall in with; fulfil a condition; hew to (чему-либо); jump together; jump with; match up (о сопряженных деталях); meet a condition; satisfy something (чему-либо); satisfy a condition; sort well with something (чему-либо); square by; square to; square with; sympathize with; tie in; tune with; work with; be in agreement; be in agreement with; be in keeping with (чему-либо); be suitable for something (чему-либо); be suitable to something (чему-либо); measure up to, with (чему-либо, напр., требованиям); tally with; measure up (требованиям); befit; belong together (друг другу); do; hitch; meet the case; pertain; represent; serve; tie up; be fit for; be representative of; chime in; chime with; coincide with (в весе количестве и т. п.); conform to (чему-либо); conform with (чему-либо); correspond with; fall in (чему-либо); fall into line; fit in with (чем-либо)
马卡罗夫, 罕见/稀有 check against
马卡罗夫, 美国人 cut the mustard
马卡罗夫, 非正式的 belong to
黄金开采 fit (to Leonid Dzhepko); be associated with (Leonid Dzhepko)
соответствует 动词
Игорь Миг is in keeping with; is compliant with
SAP 技术。 is according to; is that of
临床试验 Complies (stefanbatori)
书本/文学 there corresponds (что-либо чему-либо A.Rezvov)
文学 indicate (just_green)
编程 contained in (чему-либо ssn)
马卡罗夫 corresponds
соответствовавший 分词
SAP 技术。 been according to; been that of
соответствует реальной: 5 短语, 3 学科