
   俄语 英语
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一般 occurrence; happening; experience; adventure; instance; event
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一般 not
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技术 male
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名词 | 动词 | 动词 | 短语
случай 名词强调
Игорь Миг random event
一般 occurrence; happening; experience; adventure; instance; event; opportunity; incident; contingency; fortuity; haphazard; luck; episode; incidental; hap; haps; occasion; clip; context (zeev); cases (Olesia_311); place; circumstance (They [exemplary damages] can be awarded in three circumstances. LE2 Alexander Demidov); application; anecdote (обычно забавный или поучительный, представляющий интерес); by chance; casual; casual occurrence; contingent; crux (pl cruces); secondhand; time (Надушка); happenstance (Here happenstance seems to have played a role. VLZ_58); accident (в знач. "происшествие", "нештатная ситуация", "несчастный случай"); personal experience (произошедший с рассказчиком: Both guests shared their own personal experiences with circumstances in which time seemed to behave in an inexplicable fashion and theorized on what may be causing the phenomenon. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver); casing; cast; casting; conjuncture; contingence; case; encounter; go; hit; go in; incurrence; instancy; juncture; lot; random; turn; issue (the police officer called the hotline earlier in the morning to report the issue sankozh); fact (anyname1)
专利 unavoidable circumstances; inevitable circumstances
书本/文学 fortuitousness (Aly19)
俚语 slip-up; squeak; avs (законы вероятности Interex)
公证执业 chance (criminal law); misadventure; occasion (criminal law)
具象的 die
医疗的 obstetrics (contextual)
地震学 contigency
媒体 cabinet
库页岛 incident (is an unplanned event or chain of events which has, or could have caused injury or illness and/or damage /loss/ to people, assets, the environment or reputation)
心理学 fortune; scene
拉丁 casus
数学 situation; variant; modification; alternate version; variation (of); alternative (to)
法律 fortuitous event; statutory case of crime
法律, 马卡罗夫 casualty
电子产品 chance; accident; example; passage
石油/石油 assumption (dimock)
航海 room
语境意义 thing
过时/过时 contingentness; habnab; incidence; incidency
过时/过时, 马卡罗夫 tidings
非正式的 break
非正式的, 美国人 slant
马卡罗夫 hazard; affair
случаи 名词
一般 times (There may be times when the company will be required to include its secondary service provider in the resolution of any problems sankozh); instances (В некоторых случаях может быть необходимо использовать дополнительное оборудование. In some instances it may be necessary to use additional equipment. English fluently)
电信 cases (oleg.vigodsky)
编程 incidents (абстракция событий, проишествий и т.д. ssn)
случаем 名词
一般 by any chance (Are they by any chance related? – Они случайно не родственники? Do you have a room available, by any chance? – У вас случайно не найдётся свободной комнаты? If by any chance you continue to experience problems, please contact our Customer Service Department – Случись вам продолжить испытывать проблемы, свяжитесь с нашим отделом по обслуживанию клиентов; If by any chance the name shown is incorrect you can fill out a Change of Name form – Если окажется, что отображаемое имя неверно, вы можете заполнить форму изменения имени Баян); haply (Vadim Rouminsky)
Gruzovik, 非正式的 by accident
случаться 动词
Gruzovik come to pass; happen to; of animals mate (impf of случиться); of animals pair (impf of случиться); of animals couple (impf of случиться)
一般 come; take place; befall; betide; chance; occur; turn up; offer; become; eventuate; fare; bechance (Taras); befall (с кем-либо); come about; fall out (UK: Have you and Sam fallen out with each other again? cambridge.org); come along; be the case; come over; go down (В.И.Макаров); pair; mate; come up (в скором времени lop20); go on (This place is a mess! What went on here last night? Ofelia); become of (В.И.Макаров); go on; pass; intervene (в какой-либо период времени); do; rise; transpire (Alexander Demidov); be; go on (This place is a mess! What went on here last night? Ofelia); arrive; bechance; befallen; come to pass; come in; bring to pass; pass on; pass upon; recur; transpire; happen; happen to (with с + instr.); have occasion to
Gruzovik, 非正式的 show up (impf of случиться)
商业活动 happen to (smb)
心理学 crop up; come up (внезапно, неожиданно)
数学 happen to (с кем-либо); arise; be at work; be in progress; be the result (of); originate; result from; be caught; come across; get
方言 bring together
法律 trigger (Alexander Matytsin)
过时/过时 fortune; hap; tide; worth; befortune; proceed; sort
非正式的 be up; break; happen to be (somewhere); turn up (somewhere)
马卡罗夫 come around; come round; come along (с кем-либо, чем-либо); come up; come about (с кем-либо, чем-либо)
случать 动词
Gruzovik of animals couple with (impf of случить); of animals mate with (impf of случить)
一般 couple (with); mate (with); horse (кобылу); pair; service
Gruzovik, 方言 bring together (impf of случить)
农业 put (животных); service (животных); put
方言 bring together
罕见/稀有 match
马卡罗夫 pair for breeding; put to (с.х.); cover; leap; serve (животных)
случается 动词
一般 pyt ("Pyt is usually expressed as an interjection in reaction to a daily hassle, frustration or mistake. It most closely translates to the English sayings, "Don't worry about it," "stuff happens" or "oh, well." ( ) theconversation.com Drezzzina)
вновь случаться 动词
一般 repeat
 俄语 词库
случай 名词
一般 в гражданском праве обстоятельство, наступившее без вины должника и кредитора и отрицательно отразившееся на исполнении обязательства. Случай освобождает должника от имущественной ответственности. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
случай , не охватываемый: 1 短语, 1 学科