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Игорь Миг chip away at; reduce to null; de-escalate
一般 bring to nought; whittle; bring to naught; micrify (значение чего-либо); wind down (постепенно); discount; hamstring (усилия, планы); negative; void; nullify; whittle away; stultify (результаты работы и т. п.); mock (усилия); cancel; dwindle to specks; narrow down; whittle down; bring to nothing (Anglophile); vitiate (Anglophile); talk down (Naday); stymie (MargeWebley); throw something out of the window; supplant efforts (попытки alemaster); negate the advantages (Nugal); blank; undo (Ремедиос_П); invalidate; bring to ought; taper off (Баян); tear the guts out; reduce to nothing; negate (Horn's posts also suggest that device-specific kernel changes are a frequent source of vulnerabilities and termed these them "unnecessary" which negates Google's work in making the OS secured.); undermine (User); defeat (That revision defeats the original intention of the bill. Stas-Soleil); set off (Vadim Rouminsky)
具象的 derail (Maeva)
军队 foil
商业活动 frustrate; neutralize
外交 cancel out
经济 offset by (чем-либо A.Rezvov); compensate for (A.Rezvov)
罕见/稀有 abrase; abrade
造船 slope off
马卡罗夫 offset; tear the guts out (что-либо); fine away; let up; reduce to zero; thin down
сводиться на нет
Игорь Миг falter; wither away
一般 shrink to nullity; come to naught; be offset (Из книги психолога Пола Долана: There is also evidence, again using reports of life satisfaction and mental health, that the gains from increases in income can be completely offset if your expectations about gains in income rise faster than does income itself. Андрей Уманец)
Gruzovik, 具象的 peter out
马卡罗夫 come to nothing; come to nought
сводить что-либо на нет
惯用语 throw something out of the window (Taras)
"сводя на нет"
一般 quasi niente
сводить на нет: 47 短语, 10 学科