
   俄语 英语
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一般 endeavour; seek; essay; offer; have a bash at it; have a bash at
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一般 apply practically
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非正式的 method
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动词 | 动词 | 短语
пытаться 动词强调
Gruzovik try (impf of попытаться)
Игорь Миг be keen to; vie to; take strides
一般 endeavour; seek; essay; offer; have a bash at it; have a bash at; turn around (Aly19); make (что-либо сделать); torture (также перен.); apprize; attempt; struggling (struggling to unlock the secrets Grihamedhi); be attempting (We are attempting to verify your details. Alex_Odeychuk); proffer; risk; throw about; venture; wage; aim at (sth., сделать что-л.)
俚语 take a shot at something
具象的 torment
力学 seek to (do something)
古老, 马卡罗夫 assay
外交 offer (делать что-либо)
导航 try
数学 try back; strive; undertake
无线电学 venture out (Bobrovska)
澳大利亚表达, 俚语 have a crack at; have a lash at; have a smack at
美国人 endeavor
非正式的 have a stab at (Andrew Goff); give something a go (Andrew Goff); give it a whack (Willie W.); give it a stab (Willie W.); make inquiries (about); quiz; interrogate; question; try and do something (I hope you're not going to try and deny it. ssn)
马卡罗夫 apprise; set out; have a go; make a stab
马卡罗夫, 非正式的 turn round
пытать 动词
一般 put to the question (кого-либо); excruciate; martyr; try one for his life (кого-л.); put smb. to torture (кого́-л.); torture; rack; martyrize; put to the question; put to the rack; put to torture (кого́-л.); put the screws to (driven)
Gruzovik, 非正式的 interrogate; question; quiz; make inquiries about; try
俚语 sweat it out sweat something sweat out; put someone through the wringer
圣经 crucify
宗教 torment
非正式的 make inquiries (about); quiz; interrogate; question; get medieval on (как правило средневековыми методами с использованием подручных инструментов urbandictionary.com vantus)
马卡罗夫 put someone to the question (кого-либо); put someone to torture (кого-либо)
пытаясь 动词
Игорь Миг in an attempt to; in a bid to; in the rush to
一般 trying; in an effort to (cognachennessy); aimed at (cognachennessy); in a bid for (Taras); in one's bid to (Taras); in one's pursuit of (Taras); in an attempted effort to (Alex_Odeychuk)
非正式的 tryin'
пытать кого-либо 动词
一般 put to torture
пытаться применить на практике методы: 1 短语, 1 学科