
   俄语 英语
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一般 fastening; attaching; fixture
电子产品 bending
测谎 joint; anchoring
书本/文学 affixture
信息技术 bonding; snap
石油/石油 fixing
| внутренней
一般 inner
подмтки | тексами
物理 tex
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прикрепление 名词强调
Gruzovik adherence; assigning; registration
一般 fastening; attaching; fixture; embed (журналиста) The process of limiting press access to a conflict begins when a reporter applies for embed status. All reporters are carefully vetted by military public affairs officials. This system is far from unbiased. Unsurprisingly, reporters who have established relationships with the military are more likely to be granted access.... Army public affairs officials said this was to protect operational security, but it also allowed them to terminate a reporter's embed without appeal.... A Pentagon spokesman said, "Embeds are a privilege, not a right.:". nytimes.com Illinykh); affixture; tacking
Gruzovik, 恰当而形象 attachment
专利 affixation
书本/文学 affixture
信息技术 bonding; snap (новая функция Windows 8, позволяющая прикрепить графический элемент к определенной стороне окна thg.ru owant); attach
军队, 技术 tie-in
医疗的, 解剖学 insertion (мышцы)
建造 mounting; setting
微软 enlistment (ssn); Snap (A feature that enables users to easily display two apps side by side or maximize a single app)
技术 securement (I. Havkin)
数学 clamping
机器人 affixment
油和气 assignment (к отделу); allocation (к отделу)
测谎 joint (блока); anchoring
生物学 affixion
电子产品 bending; affinity
石油/石油 fixing
石油/石油, 测谎 joint (вклейки)
编程 dock (ssn); docking (ssn)
航天 tethering
解剖学, 植物学 insertion
过时/过时 confixure
鞋类 stapling
马卡罗夫 affix
прикрепление 名词
医疗的 reattachment
прикрепление внутренней
: 1 短语, 1 学科