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почуяться 动词强调
一般 have a presentiment; scent; sense; smell
Gruzovik, 非正式的 make itself felt (pf of чуяться); be observed (pf of чуяться); be noticeable (pf of чуяться); be palpable (pf of чуяться); seem to (pf of чуяться)
方言 hear
非正式的 seem (to); be noticeable; be observed; be palpable
почуять 动词
Gruzovik smell
一般 scent; sniff; wind; have a presentiment; sense; get in the wind (что-л.); have in the wind (что-л.); smell
Gruzovik, 具象的 feel (pf of чуять); sense (pf of чуять); have a presentiment (pf of чуять)
Gruzovik, 方言 hear (pf of чуять)
具象的 feel; become conscious of ("It was some days before his death that he had become conscious of some danger, according to his widow." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ART Vancouver)
方言 hear
生物学 scent out (дичь)
过时/过时 smoke
非正式的 get a sniff of (что-либо)
马卡罗夫 have the wind of; catch the wind of; catch the wind of; have the wind of; take the wind of (someone – кого-либо); gain the wind of (someone – кого-либо)
почуяться: 25 短语, 5 学科