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IPR 名词强调
石油和天然气技术 соотношение забойного давления фонтанирования с дебитом (inflow performance relationship; источник: словарь Извекова)
税收 ввозная обработка без уплаты налога (Анна Ф)
IPR 缩写
一般 РИД (результаты интеллектуальной деятельности Ananaska)
广告 Институт по связям с общественностью
油和气 индикаторная диаграмма (MichaelBurov); индикаторная кривая (MichaelBurov); кривая зависимости дебита скважины от разницы между пластовым и забойным давлением (MichaelBurov); кривая зависимости дебита скважины от перепада давления (MichaelBurov)
法律 ПИС (Intellectual Property Rights Restlessdiver)
牙科 интерпроксимальное иссечение эмали (MichaelBurov)
石油/石油 планирование приёмочного контроля и надёжность (inspection planning and reliability); проверка в процессе эксплуатации (in-process review)
石油和天然气技术 соотношение забойного давления фонтанирования с дебитом (inflow performance relationship; источник: словарь Извекова)
计算机网络 права на интеллектуальную собственность; интерактивная натуралистическая визуализация; программа просчёта кадров в интерактивном режиме
iPr 缩写
化学 изопропил (Amour)
 英语 词库
IPR 缩写
缩写, 军队 in-progress review; intelligence production requirement
缩写, 法律 intellectual property right
缩写, 航空 initial point rating; Instrument Problem Report
缩写, 财政 import penetration ratio
IPR 缩写
军队 Impulse Response; in-place repair; individual pay record; industry planning representative; intelligence periodic report; intelligence production requests; intelligence production requirements; interdepartmental procurement request; interim problem report; interim progress report
技术 improved pulsed radar; inches per resolution; initial pressure regulator; inspection planning and reliability
缩写 Incident Performance Report; Indirect Potable Reuse; Individual Participant Request; Injection Pressure Regulator; Institute for Policy Research, University of Cincinnati; Institute of Public Relations (Anglophile); Integrated Personal Armor; Integrity Performance And Reliability; Intellectual Piracy Rights; Intellectual Property Right; Intelligence Production Requirement; Interactive Photo Realistic; Internal Purchase Requisition; International Product Registration; International Property Rights; Internet Protocol Route; Invalid Program Reference; Iowa Percentile Rank; intellectual property results (Ananaska); Institute for Plasma Research; internal progress report
缩写, 保险 Industrial Property Rights
缩写, 信息技术 intellectual property rights; Interactive Photorealistic Rendering; isolated pacing response
缩写, 军队 International Protection Rating (qwarty)
缩写, 军队, 航空 individual pocket radio
缩写, 医疗器械 Intelligence Pressure Release (iwona)
缩写, 医疗的 Independent Panel Raters (ННатальЯ); interpersonal process recall
缩写, 商业 In Progress or Process Review; Interim Program or Progress Review
缩写, 地球科学 induced polarization receiver; inflow-performance relationship; inverse perturbation redesign method; ion production rate
缩写, 大规模杀伤性武器 In-progress review
缩写, 库页岛 independent project review; Individual Performance Review (Sakhalin Energy)
缩写, 汽车 injector pressure regulator
缩写, 油和气 dynamic survey curve (MichaelBurov); inflow performance relationship curve (MichaelBurov); IPR curve (MichaelBurov)
缩写, 牙科 inter-proximal enamel reduction (MichaelBurov); inter-proximal tooth enamel reduction (MichaelBurov); interproximal enamel reduction (MichaelBurov); interproximal tooth enamel reduction (MichaelBurov); Interproximal Reduction (Ul); inter-proximal reduction (iwona)
缩写, 电子产品 improved packet radio network; interrupt private register
缩写, 石油/石油 inflow performance relationship; internal project review; improved petroleum recovery; inflow performance rate; inflow performance ratio; inflow performance relation (ship)
缩写, 组织机构名称 Institute of Pacific Relations
缩写, 自动化设备 inches per revolution
缩写, 航空 injection pressure ratio (bonly); Impulse Response Method; internet protocol router; Inward Processing Relief (Your_Angel); IBOM preparation and revision; in process review; interim process review; interim program report; interim program review
缩写, 苏格兰语 In-Process Review
缩写, 警察 Initial Problem Report (hizman)
缩写, 马卡罗夫 isolated pentagon rule
ipr 缩写
缩写, 石油/石油 inches per rack
%2急: 15 短语, 8 学科