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обосранный 分词强调
俚语 pooped on (A video of Vladimir Putin apparently being pooped on by a passing bird during a speech has proved to be a fake. VLZ_58)
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一般 shit the bed (CRINKUM-CRANKUM); crap one's breeches (тж. см. sit on a cigar Taras)
俚语 poo out; crap one's pants (Franka_LV); goof (vatnik); chicken out (испугаться Abysslooker); poop (MichaelBurov)
心形 shit pants (Andrey Truhachev); be scared shitless (Andrey Truhachev)
粗鲁的 shit on oneself (i got so scared i almost shit on myself – Я так испугался что чуть в штаны не наложил Баян); foul up (Agasphere)
谩骂 S.O.L.; shit out of luck
非正式的 dookie (These Lewis Chessmen were found on the Isle of Lewis ... The family brought this piece in for appraisal and the appraiser almost dookied in his pantaloons upon realizing what it was Taras); dooky (см. dookie Taras); shit one's pants (Himera); shit oneself (MichaelBurov); poop oneself (MichaelBurov)
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俚语 burn down (Andrey Truhachev)
庸俗 shit all over (ybelov); badmouth (HomerS)
粗鲁的 trash (condemn as worthless denghu); crap on (someone – кого-либо Mbublyk)
 俄语 词库
обосраться 动词
一般 см. обделаться (4uzhoj)
обосрать 动词
一般 см. тж. shoot down in flames (4uzhoj); см. обхаять (4uzhoj)
: 10 短语, 4 学科