
   俄语 英语
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не позволяйте
 не позволяет
一般 doesn't allow for
 не позволять
一般 keep out; keep out of; legislate against; preclude from; preclude; disallow
马卡罗夫 keep out of
| студентам
一般 student
| погружаться в
 погружаться в
一般 focus on
| исследование
一般 investigation
тмных | и
一般 and
| неясных
一般 not clear
| материй
一般 fabric
| которые
一般 who
| находятся
一般 be situated
| далек
奇幻和科幻 Dalek
- 只找到单语

не позволять强调
Игорь Миг stymie
一般 keep out (keep children out of mischief – не давать детям шалить); keep out of; legislate against; preclude from (Stas-Soleil); preclude (Stas-Soleil); disallow; not to be associated with (Often times standard solutions are not associated with the optimal realization of asset strategy Moscowtran); forbid; keep out; stymie (The Blackhawks had some quality chances early, but were stymied by Reimer who was making his third start in the past four games. VLZ_58); make it impossible to (askandy); prevent (Stas-Soleil); prevent (someone from doing something)
卡拉恰加纳克 not to make it possible (Aiduza)
大学白话 fain (только во фразах alexs2011)
数学 prevent from; keep from; gravitation does not let the planets leave the solar system; prohibit
行话, 大学白话 fain
马卡罗夫 keep out of (чего-либо)
не позволяет
一般 doesn't allow for (erelena)
не позволяйте студентам погружаться в исследование: 1 短语, 1 学科