
   俄语 英语
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не задумываясь
 не задумываться
一般 make nothing of
 не задумываясь
一般 lightly; without a moment's hesitation; without a second thought; skittishly; without elaborating; promptly
美国人 without missing a beat
| о
俚语 double
| собственной безопасности
 собственная безопасность
安全系统 inherent security
| он нырнул
 он нырнул
一般 he took a header
| в
 в ...
军队 航空 to ...
| реку
一般 river
| чтобы
一般 so
| спасти
一般 escape
| тонущего
宗教 sinking
- 只找到单语

не задумываясь强调
一般 lightly; without a moment's hesitation (Anglophile); without a second thought (Belka Adams); skittishly (River); without elaborating (lop20); promptly (duckesa); not hesitate to (только в контексте: If they can cheat by stratagem, they will; if not, they attempt it openly, and will not hesitate to accuse you publicly of some crime, or of owing them money. 4uzhoj); without hesitation ("Would you go in, Watson? Your appearance inspires confidence. Ask what hour the Poultney Square funeral takes place to-morrow." The woman in the shop answered me without hesitation that it was to be at eight o'clock in the morning.' – не задумываясь ответила / ответила без запинки (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver); without much thought ("The public, which consumes antibiotics without much thought, has been led to believe that they are not only safe but also good for the body and even necessary for recovery from most illnesses." (The Epoch Times) ART Vancouver); without a moment’s hesitation; without a thought (singularityhub.com Alex_Odeychuk)
书本/文学 with nary a thought (Халеев)
商业活动 off the top of one's head
惯用语 didn't think anything of (+ gerund; сделал что-либо: example provided by ART Vancouver: When Andy Higgins visited the aboriginal landmark during his trip to Australia's spiritual heartland last year, he didn't think anything of picking up a small chunk of the sacred rock to take home as a souvenir. Little did he know what landslide of unfortunate events that would unleash... – не задумываясь положил в карман); in a heartbeat (If I could help you, I would do it in a heartbeat, but I don't know how to help you. • It's a nice area. I lived on Jervis near Davie for a few years. Everything you need is close by, lots of great shops and places to eat. Would move back in a heartbeat if I hadn't taken up the whole suburban family house crap, lol. – Я бы не задумываясь • без колебаний вернулся туда, если бы не ... ART Vancouver)
电子产品 by rote
美国人 without missing a beat (Val_Ships)
非正式的 right off the bat (Taras)
не задумываться
一般 make nothing of
马卡罗夫 make nothing of (перед чем-либо)
о чём-либо не задумываются
一般 something is not thought of (darrenjohnson; не задумываются is active voice while "is not thought of" is passive SirReal)
не задумываясь о собственной безопасности, он нырнул в реку, чтобы спасти тонущего
: 1 短语, 1 学科