
   俄语 英语
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一般 swindler; bad egg; bad hat; bad lot; bilk; knave
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一般 deceitful
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мошенник 名词强调
Gruzovik scoundrel
Игорь Миг double-dealer
一般 swindler; bad egg; bad hat; bad lot; bilk; knave; blackleg; shark; rogue; fraud (Mr. X created a false medical license and began practicing medicine until he was exposed as a fraud.); gyp; impostor; sham; sharpy; chevalier of fortune; chevalier of industry; confidence trickster; con-man; cozener; faker; grafter; magsman; put-on artist; spieler; tregetour; twicer; charlatan; chouse; confidence man; deceiver; highbinder; quack; racketeer; scallywag; sharper; trepan; knight of the post; son of a gun; angler; quacksalver; flimflam artist (Anglophile); greaser; greasers; highbinders; jack-in-the-box; jacks; jacks-in-the-box; knight of industry (Anglophile); flashman (Anglophile); shady operator (rechnik); flimflammer (ART Vancouver); con artist (ART Vancouver); scam artist (Баян); hangdog; juggler; fraud artist (fiercefinance.com Tanya Gesse); smooth operator (Andrey Truhachev); take-in; cheat; kite; lurcher; hawk; picaroon; con (nicknicky777); yahoo boy (A man who carries out 419 fraud ( The number 419 refers to the article of the Nigerian Criminal Code dealing with fraud) КГА); bilker; humbugger; fraud offender (Ремедиос_П); rascal; Ponzi grifter (завлекающий в финансовую пирамиду Alex_Odeychuk); fraud (yoriko); budge; a cogging gamester; cutpurse; filcher; hang dog; jack straw; a purse picker; a pocket picker; robber; fakeloo artist; caynard (xmoffx); fraudster (... an ingenious phishing operation that got him named the year's most inventive online fraudster. • New measures are needed to prevent fraudsters opening bank accounts with stolen cheques.); scammer (maystay); ganef; hoaxer; shrewdie; shrewdy; cheat in (Krokokokok); cheat at (Надо просто запомнить, что это слово употребляется с таким предлогом. Также есть словосочетание cheat in , оно переводиться Мошенничать, мошенник и т.д. Krokokokok)
俚语 ramper; ratbag; shaver; burner; flim-flamer; load; prick; shifter; blagger (dmitriyglad); operator; outside man (Taras); slickster (Александр У); blaggard (zdra); deadbeat (VLZ_58)
信息安全 fraudster
具象的 rook; shirk
刑事行话 hempseed
古老 varlet (Andrey Truhachev)
商业活动 gazumper
安全系统 dishonest person
广告 con man
惯用语 snake oil salesman (Баян)
意第绪语 shmuck (Nikolov)
法律 pettifogger; plunderer; sharker; trickster
澳大利亚表达 bushranger
澳大利亚表达, 俚语 take-down
生产 Murphy man (Yeldar Azanbayev)
白话文 scalawag
经济 shyster; stumer
美国人 snowman (тж. см. snow job multitran.com Taras); skell (Taras); scab; crook (He thinks politicians are just a bunch of crooks Taras); slicker (a crook or swindler Taras); confidence man (преим.); ringer (Taras); fast counter
美国人, 俚语 wrongo; gip; come-on
美国人, 非正式的 grifter
行话 conman
计算 phreak (phone phreak – телефонный мошенник, телефонный жулик Drozdova)
a fraud for money ("Speaking of David Suzuki... I was teching a show he was presenting at, and he just completely had a shitty attitude to the people who were doing their jobs to help the dude. There's no room for that, regardless of who you are." "On top of being a massive asshole, he doesn’t even practice what he preaches. Dude is a fraud for money." (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
过时/过时 skelder (Taras); rapscallion; cheater; gambler
银行业 defrauder
非标 bamboozler
非正式的 leg; chiseller; diddler; fiddler; skinner; sharp; grifter (in US: a con artist or a type of person you don't want to trust Val_Ships); shakedown artist; cheeky bastard (Andrey Truhachev); cheeky fellow (Andrey Truhachev); cheeky person (Andrey Truhachev); cheeky devil (Andrey Truhachev); thimblerigger (VLZ_58)
非正式的, 白话文 plant
非正式的, 罕见/稀有 fake
非正式的, 美国人 coyote
马卡罗夫 scallywag (особ. в политических делах); skinner (особ. шулер)
мошенники 名词
Игорь Миг shady people
мошенник, получивший деньги обманным
: 1 短语, 1 学科