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метамфетамин 名词强调
与毒品有关的俚语 accordion; aqua; batu; blue; blue bell ice cream; beers; bottles; bud light; bump; cajitas; chalk; chavalones; chicken; chicken powder; Christine; Christy; clear; clothing cleaner; colorado rockies; cream; cri-cri; crink; crisco; crypto; cuadros; day; el gata diablo; evil sister; eye glasses; fire; fizz; flowers; food; frio; G-funk; gifts; girls; go-fast; groceries; hard ones; hare; hawaiian salt; hielo; hot ice; ice cream; jug of water; L.A. glass; L.A. ice; lemons; lemon drop; light; light beige; livianas; madera; mexican crack; mexican crank; miss girl; montura; motor; muchacha; nails; one pot; pantalones; peanut butter crank; pinata; pointy ones; pollito; popsicle; purple; raspado; rims; salt; shabu; shards; shatter; shaved ice; shiny girl; soap dope; soft ones; spicy kind; stove top; stuff; super ice; table; tina; truck; tupperware; ventanas; vidrio; walking zombie; water; white; windows; witches teeth; yellow barn; yellow kind; zip
伊朗 shisheh (в переводе с фарси букв. "стекло"; именование этого наркотика в Иране: The decades following Iran’s 1979 revolution saw the country grow into a hub for the production of methamphetamine, or shisheh, as it is known locally. globalinitiative.net karulenk)
美国人 crystal blue persuasion (Taras)
метамфетамин 形容词
一般 crystal meth (freekycleen); ice (SirReal); crystal (SirReal); nazi dope (SirReal); shabu (in Japan SirReal); tik (in South Africa SirReal); ya ba (in Thailand SirReal); P (in New Zealand SirReal)
与毒品有关的俚语 nazi (в кристаллах; нарко-сленг Franka_LV); yabba (таблетки с наркотиком метамфетамина и добавлением кофеина. Название из Азии. Franka_LV); glass (maystay); meth; methamphetamine
俚语 crystal meth (наркотик szubkov); growl (fayzee); scante (Azgrim); cringe (noun. methamphetamine. Probably from "crank", but the image of cringing is powerful when discussing a methamphetamine user US, 1993 Taras)
药理 obetrol (торговое наименование Dimpassy)
非正式的 crank (Acruxia)
Метамфетамин 形容词
一般 methylamphetamine (Franka_LV)
与毒品有关的俚语 crypto (methamphetamine; сленг наркоманов Franka_LV); tweak (upahill)
метамфетамин: 26 短语, 6 学科