
   俄语 英语
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一般 commanding; flag officer; Admiral Commanding
航天 o.c.
航海 admiral-in-chief; admiral-in-general; senior officer
军队 commander-in-chief; general commanding officer; General Officer Commanding
| космической связью
 космическая связь
技术 space communication
вооружнных | сил
古老 vertue
一般 USA
| в
 в ...
军队 航空 to ...
объединнном | командовании
一般 command
| противовоздушной
军队 anti-aircraft
| обор
一般 abb
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名词 | 动词 | 形容词 | 短语
командующий 名词强调
军事术语 baron (MichaelBurov); baron (лётчик-бомбардировщик MichaelBurov); Father (MichaelBurov)
军队 commanding general; in command of
鱼雷 flag officer-in-charge (в звании адмирала); admiral commanding (ВМС, в чине адмирала)
командовать 动词
Игорь Миг set the tone; run roughshod over
一般 domineer; lead; king it; lord it; rule the roost; be in control of (чем-либо); come the old soldier (кем-либо); come the old soldier; give the law to (кем-либо); pay the piper; pull rank; lord over (кем-либо Irina Verbitskaya); conduct (армией); act the lord; be in command (чем-либо-of); officer; boss (he likes to boss me sometimes – он любит покомандовать мной иногда TaylorZodi); come the old soldier over (кем-либо); be in command of something; give orders (impf of скомандовать); control; king; rally (Qassem Soleimani, the Iranian general rallying Syrian troops. necroromantic); command (impf of скомандовать); lord; run things (Taras); command (with instr.); have at nod (кем-либо); be in the driving seat; throw one's weight around (Bob was stronger than the other boys, and he threw his weight around; The district manager came to our office and tried to throw his weight around, but no one paid any attention to him. Taras); instruct (suburbian); be in command of; order about; come the quarter-deck over (sb., кем-л.)
Gruzovik, 具象的 command terrain (impf of скомандовать)
不赞成, 美国人 order someone around (кем-либо; англ. выражение требует дополнения: You can't order me around just because Mom isn't here! • My friend at work got promoted, so now he thinks he can order me around. В.И.Макаров)
不赞成, 英国 order someone about (кем-либо; англ. выражение требует дополнения; Here's a good example of it: 'I took no umbrage, accordingly, if umbrage is the thing you take when people start ordering you about, making allowances for his state of mind.' (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
俚语 mastermind; sit fat; sitting pretty; honcho
具象的 lay down the law (Andrey Truhachev); ride herd on (Kuijpers looks at Barret. "Sir? Where do I fit in?" Barrett looks Kuijpers in the eyes. "As with anyone in this squad, it depends on the situation. When we operate as a single group, Sergeant Griffith will remain the senior NCO. If we split into smaller units, you may be required to act as a fire team leader, or assist myself or Lt. Dawes as necessary. Due to the nature of our missions, it's difficult for any one of us to have a single clearly defined role, with a few exceptions. For now, just ride herd on the squad, and make sure things get done." "At your orders, sir." Kuijpers gives a snappy salute and turns away.)
军队 be in charge; be in charge of (Киселев); dominate; be in command of something (напр., воинским подразделением, кораблём; чем-либо В.И.Макаров)
外交 call all the shots
媒体 command
惯用语 call the shots (Sally always wants to call the shots, and Mary doesn't like to be bossed around. Oldbore); wear the trousers (Andrey Truhachev); wear the breeches (Andrey Truhachev)
技术 order
美国人 pull the strings (Who's pulling the strings here? Val_Ships); lead the way (Damirules)
过时/过时 fight (войсками, кораблями, орудиями); rule the roast (В.И.Макаров)
造船 govern
非正式的 boss around (Don't boss me around! bookworm); throw one's weight about; wear the pants; king it ove (кем-либо); order people around (denghu); queen it (о женщине igisheva); give the law to (someone – кем-либо В.И.Макаров); have someone at one's nod (кем-либо В.И.Макаров); be in the driver's seat (в доме, в семье В.И.Макаров); be in the driving seat (В.И.Макаров); domineer over (кем-либо В.И.Макаров); boss someone about (кем-либо В.И.Макаров); lord it over (someone – кем-либо В.И.Макаров); king it over (кем-либо); bully around (кем-либо plushkina); lord one's power over ("There's Ruckus (Michael Mayes), whose father has recently appointed him store manager and who is happily lording his new power over his minions...." – From a theater review by Marty Rosen in the Louisville Eccentric Observer (Kentucky), August 21, 2013 george serebryakov); pull one's rank on (обыкн. требуя для себя привилегий и т. п. В.И.Макаров); boss around (with над); push smb. around (кем-л.); tell someone what to do (SirReal)
马卡罗夫 have authority over
马卡罗夫, 非正式的 boss around
командующий 形容词
一般 commanding; flag officer (в звании адмирала, коммодора); Admiral Commanding (в звании адмирала); commander in chief (as noun); commanding admiral
军队 commander-in-chief; general commanding officer; General Officer Commanding; General Officer Commanding-in-Chief (в звании генерала); in-command-of; Major-General Commandant (МП); naval officer-in-charge; general-in-chief; major commander; commander (Киселев); Commander-in-Chief
军队, 航空 commandant
军队, 英式英语 flag officer-in-charge; Rear Admiral Commanding (в звании контр-адмирала); flag officer (в звании адмирала)
北约 commander (армией, СВ)
航天 o.c.
航海 admiral-in-chief; admiral-in-general; senior officer
командующий НАТО 形容词
Gruzovik, 军队 CINC (Commander-in-Chief)
"командовать" 动词
俚语 pull rank (MichaelBurov)
Grand Commander командующий 形容词
军队, 非正式的 GC
Командующий 形容词
北约 IFOR Commander
Grand Commander командующий 形容词
非正式的 GC воен.
командующие 形容词
军队 commanders-in-chief
главно командующий 形容词
外交 commander-in-chief
командуй! 动词
非正式的 say the word! (I'll follow your lead: OK, say the word. 4uzhoj)
командовать кем-либо 动词
非正式的 tell someone what to do (SirReal)
командующий космической связью
: 1 短语, 1 学科