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一般 coarse; burry; caddish; chuffy; clodhopping; clownish
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грубый 形容词强调
Gruzovik preliminary
Игорь Миг unsubtle; snotty-nosed
一般 coarse (о пище, одежде и т. п.); burry; caddish; chuffy; clodhopping; clownish; dead-hearted; inurbane; plebeian; Anglo-Saxon; baboon; blunt; raw (изобразительное искусство) примитивный); unkind (Vadim Rouminsky); rough; rude; gross; crude; bad (об ошибке); barbaric; barbarous; beastly; bestial; bearish; Boeotian; booish; common; boorish; brusque; brutal; churlish; gruff (о голосе); horse-laugh; ill-mannered; truculent; vulgar; surly; rustic; scurrilous; ribald; Gothic; broad; brushy; brutish; clumsy; crass; currish; doggish; earthy; feral; ferine; glaring; gnarled; harsh; heathenish; horny; incondite; jazz; knockabout; larrikin; low; primitive; randy; rank; raw (в художественном отношении); robust; rugged; savage; scratchy (о рисунке); shaggy (shaggy manners – грубые манеры Taras); short (о речи); snippy; strong; tough (о человеке); uncivil; underbred; unfinished; ungracious; unhandsome; woolly; horse; bounderish (svemok); boldfaced (Boldfaced lies like that won't work on me Noigel); gnarly (о внешности); shrill (бесцеремонный Artjaazz); wanton (It is a deliberate fuzzying of the identification and that is a violation. It shows a wanton disregard by Russia for international law. 4uzhoj); gravelly (о голосе Vadim Rouminsky); grainy (sea holly); acerb; agrestic; smashmouth (о спорт. игре; в политике, т.д. Алексей Лило); rough as bag (Грубый и грубый в манерах, поведении или качествах./ Coarse and unrefined in manner, demeanor or quality baletnica); eggy (espina); asperous; bearlike; bitter; brash; brusk; clod-pated; cloddy; crabbed; disobliging; dry; dull (шутка, выражение); earthly; fat; foul; grainy; grating (звук); greasy; hoggish; hoiden; horrid; muddy; dry nurse; outlandish; peasantlike; plump; plumpy; raucous; unpleasant (в значении "неучтивый" cambridge.org Abysslooker); X-rated; craggy; uncivilised (mc_frol); cack-handed (Sergei Aprelikov); repulsive; rustical; rough-and-tumble (о поведении, борьбе, игре, политической деятельности, потасовке и т.п. – refer to a situation in which the people involved try hard to get what they want, and do not worry about upsetting or harming others; involving noisy and slightly violent behaviour (Collins Dictionary): The rough-and-tumble event often comes with safety concerns. Few competitors manage to stay on their feet all the way down the 200-yard (180 meter) hill. apnews.com ART Vancouver); abrupt (о манерах и т.п.); barking; boarish; brut; burly; gruffy; hoarse; loutish; lowbred; obscene; pebbly; profane; rough-hewn; scurril; scurrile; snappish; swinish; ungentle; unmannerly; visceral; yokelish; ruvid (Parabola); ham-handed (Alexander Demidov); cur (Franka_LV); reedy (Aly19); naked (MargeWebley); outright (MargeWebley); offhanded (Alex_Odeychuk); X rated; coarse grained; custard pie; dead hearted; hard bitten; hard boiled; hard case; hard shelled; home made; ill mannered; inelegant; iron sided; low lived; rough hewn; rough spoken; churl; clover; hard-mouthed; ill-natured; illiberal; menial (о работе); ruffian; sharp (о словах); slight (о наброске, очерке); of coarse fiber (о человеке); petulant (bigmaxus); insensate (Pippy-Longstocking); artless; slapstick (о представлении, развлечении, шутках: slapstick form of humour – грубый юмор Taras); carnal (о желаниях); crudely vulgar; having a rough uneven surface; impolite; impolitely curt; lewd (о желаниях); not smooth; noticeable; tasteless; violent; unrefined; curt; impudent; inconsiderate (VLZ_58); ghastly (ghastly mistake – грубая ошибка Taras); badass; coarsened; countrylike; disrespectful; rusty; scabrous; scragged; scraggy; squab; stern; stubbed; sturdy; unbred; unframed; unkind; unmannered; short winded; flagrant; down and dirty
书本/文学 discourteous; obdurate
互联网 unmanner (muha_ok)
俚语 badass (VLZ_58); Barbie Doll; cheeky; down; hard-boiled; raunchie; raunchy; ronchie; woozy; Wop; wuzzy; hot; bitchy (Don't be so bitchy! Не будь таким грубым! Interex); ripe (Interex); snottie (Interex); trashy (Interex); zhlubby (Interex); uncool; crusty (Interex); jeeter (MichaelBurov)
信息技术 robust (о динамической системе)
具象的 homespun; boldface (Boldfaced lies like that won't work on me Noigel); agrestical; home spun; saw like
农业 rough (о корме)
剧院, 专业术语 knockabout (о зрелище)
剧院, 摄影 custard-pie
品酒 hulking (о вкусе вина)
商业活动 uneven (вк); broken (вк); bumpy (вк); rocky (вк); stormy (вк); wild (вк)
地质学 rudaceous (об осадочных породах)
大学白话 butter head; butterhead
庸俗 snotty
建筑学 unpolished
建造 quarry-faced
心理学 rude (о поведении); impertinent
惯用语 born in a barn (ill-mannered. Interex); hairy at the heel (и т. д., о поведении и манерах thefreedictionary.com Abysslooker)
意大利语, 音乐 brusco (резкий)
数学 structurally stable
文学 Scrooge; rowdy (Notburga); bawdy (Notburga)
方言 iron-sided
木材加工 coarse; raw
植物学 raw (лат. crudus)
气象 ragged
法律 flagrant (David Cameron reserved strong language for the Kremlin move. "A sham and illegal referendum has taken place at the barrel of a Kalashnikov," he said. "Russia has sought to annex Crimea, a flagrant breach of international law and something we will never recognise." 4uzhoj)
法语 farouche ("Jeremy Irons's natural mode as an actor is fastidious rather than farouche, but he perfectly captures James Tyrone's professional extravagance and personal meanness." – Michael Arditti, The Sunday Express, 11 Feb. 2018 george serebryakov)
澳大利亚表达, 新西兰, 非正式的 Maori; hairy
生物学 gross (о корме)
电信 coarser (oleg.vigodsky)
电子产品 precoat
皮革 bold (о лице кожи); coarse (о лице кожи); gnarled (о внешнем виде); scratchy; tough
矿业 heavy
纺织工业 hard
罕见/稀有 thersitical; brief (о манерах); scurvy
美国人 locker-room (о разговоре Beforeyouaccuseme); wild and woolly; mean (You're so mean J_Ts)
美国人, 非正式的 hobnailed
美国人, 马卡罗夫 hard-bitten
聚合物 grained
能源行业 coarse (напр., о регулировании)
自动化设备 coarse (напр., о регулировке)
航海 bluff; coarse (о настройке); jack-proof; rough (о приближении или данных)
航空 abrasive (о человеке)
计量学 coarse (напр., о настройке)
语法 asper
质量控制和标准 rough (о приближении)
过时/过时 boistous (chiffa); abrupt; abusive; brockish; bumpkinly; clouterly; groce; grum; hoblike; hoindenish; noggen; peasantly; pheesy; rebukeful; homelily; staffish
过时/过时, 马卡罗夫 mobbish
酿酒, 西班牙语, 品酒 basto
钱币学 routh
钻孔 bastard
非正式的 mean (о поведении Val_Ships); chunky (ART Vancouver); coarse-grained (о человеке); hard-case; ignorant; messy (bubuka); roughhewn (Enrica); low-down; tike; tyke
马卡罗夫 brute; base; crude (об аналогии); rugged (о ПВ); rugged (о поверхности); barbaresque (о стилях в искусстве); barbarous (о языке); churly; coarse (о материале); gnarled (о внешности); hackly (о ПВ); hard-shelled; harsh (на ощупь); harsh (о вкусе); harsh (о выражениях и т.п.); home-made; homely; ill-bred; inartificial; incult; indelicate; low-lived; offhand; rough (о вычислениях, оценках); rough (о поверхности); shafty (о шерсти); uncivilized; uncouth; uncultivated; barbarian; dragoon; plain; termagant; aggressive (о цвете, музыке)
грубыйо человеке 形容词
一般 kind of crude (Interex)
о поверхности грубая 形容词
庸俗 rough as a badger's ass
грубое WDM 形容词
电信 Coarse WDM (спектральное уплотнение сигналов – CWDM – goo.gl Artjaazz)
грубо 副词
电信 brute (oleg.vigodsky)
грубая 形容词
一般 rough (кожа Lanita2)
о юморе грубый 形容词
庸俗 toss-prick
груба 形容词
机械工程, 过时/过时 trump
грубое 形容词
汽车 hard usage
 俄语 词库
груб. 缩写
缩写 грубо; грубый; грубое слово выражение
грубая х
: 2 短语, 2 学科