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гнетущий 形容词强调
一般 dismal; depressing; sulky; sullen; leadening; depressive; sulky (о погоде и т.п.); grinding (Notburga); deadening (4uzhoj); grievous; dire; cheerless; oppressive; bleak (Aly19); doomy (She`s always doomy. ldoceonline.com RusakovaOlga); uncomfortable (Abysslooker); disturbing (Abysslooker); pressing (sea holly); boisterous; unsatisfying (I can see how that might be unsatisfying Побеdа)
具象的 overwhelming (AlexandraM)
医疗的 distressing (amatsyuk)
诗意的 carking
语境意义 stricken (He and Lily were both in the kitchen at the time, clearing plates from another silent, stricken dinner. Abysslooker)
银行业 onerous (Alik-angel)
гнести 动词
Gruzovik oppress; press; weigh down
一般 grip; gripe; screw; weigh on
具象的 bite (приводить в уныние alexs2011)
罕见/稀有 brood (... the desolation that broods in bosoms like these. ... страдание, гнетущее эти сердца. Игорь Глазырин)
过时/过时 grype; prease
гнетуще 形容词
Gruzovik depressingly; oppressively
一般 blackly
гнетущe 形容词
俚语 bring-down (The news of the airplane crash was a bring down. Сomandor)
гнетён 分词
化学 biston
 俄语 词库
гнетя 动词
一般 деепр. от гнести
гнетущий: 45 短语, 5 学科