
   俄语 英语
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一般 up with you!
一般 rise; get up; stand up; take rise; be about; be up
庸俗 get hard
| суд
一般 tribunal
| идт
马卡罗夫 fall
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встать 动词强调
Gruzovik rise of the sun, moon; get up; cost (pf of вставать); fit into (pf of вставать); come to (pf of вставать); stand (pf of вставать); stop working (impf of встать; of a machine or device)
一般 stand up; take rise; be about; be up; get on one's feet; rise from seat; come to a standstill (triumfov); up; get to one's feet (Tetiana Diakova); stop (working; of a machine or device); rear; be up and about (в знач. "уже не лежать в постели": 'So you're up and about, are you?' she boomed. 'I thought you'd be in bed, snoring your head off.' (P.G. Wodehouse) – Ты уже встал? ART Vancouver); take up station (в знач. "занять позицию", особ. с оттенком "на страже": [The guards] took up station in front of the bench and stood at rigid attention. • At a nod from Lady Kilpapan, the men took up station either side of the door, while she advanced into the room. • Seconds later, two men took up station on either side of him. • Holmes took a seat at Edmond's table, after making a brushing gesture over the stained bench there. Watson took up station behind him. 4uzhoj); get up; rise (of the sun); stand (in a certain place); turn out (с постели)
Gruzovik, 具象的 come up (pf of вставать)
俚语 fritz
俚语, 马卡罗夫 fritz out
具象的 be out of action (о технике 4uzhoj); be offline (о заводе); of a question. difficulty, etc. arise
具象的, 解释性翻译 give up the ghost (о моторе, машине, механизме)
庸俗 get hard (I got hard – у меня встал Баян); give fanny a rest
惯用语 gain one's feet (Сова)
惯用语, 非正式的 rise and shine (с постели: We were expected to rise and shine at 6.30 in the morning.)
技术 stand
数学 become; appear
汽车, 非正式的 park up (остановить/припарковать машину, занять место в колонне и т.п.: He parked up behind the police cars. • The Lexus parked up behind the black Range Rover. • All the vans parked up behind the gate and all the drivers came in for lunch. • You will be driven into the town along the route that the Spearhead Brigade of the 7th Armoured Division took on that fateful morning, shown where the lead tanks parked up to secure Pt 213 and where the remainder of the armoured column pulled up along the road stretching back through the town. 4uzhoj)
航海 right
诗意的 arise
运动的 on the feet up
造船 come aweigh (о якоре)
非正式的 of a machine or device stop working
马卡罗夫 recover from a fall (после падения); get on one's feet (после болезни); rear up; recover one's feet (после падения, болезни); recover one's legs (после падения, болезни); be on one's feet (после болезни); rise to one's feet
"встал" 动词
航海 aweigh (о якоре); atrip (о якоре вк)
встать! 动词
一般 now then, up!
встаньте! 动词
一般 up with you!
встать! 动词
一般 stand up!
встал 动词
惯用语 up and about (с постели, после сна, не обязательно после болезни: 'So you're up and about, are you?' she boomed. 'I thought you'd be in bed, snoring your head off.' (P.G. Wodehouse)) – Ты уже встал?  ART Vancouver)
встань! 动词
一般 up with you!
встаньте 动词
一般 rise up
"встань!" 动词
体操 "fall in!"
встать! суд
: 2 短语, 2 学科