
   意大利语 英语
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一般 dealings
一般 panel report; relationship; report
财政 report
机械工程 speed ratio
医疗的 relation; proportion
微软 report
经济 ratio
| medio
农业 average
| capitale
会计 equity
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名词 | 动词 | 短语
rapporto m
一般 panel report; relationship
信息技术 report output
微软 report (The presentation of information about a given topic, typically in printed form. Reports prepared with computers and appropriate software can include text, graphics, and charts. Database programs can include special software for creating report forms and generating reports. Desktop publishing software and laser printers or typesetting equipment can be used to produce publication-quality output)
机械工程 speed ratio
rapporti m
一般 dealings
rapporto 动词
一般 report (An official or formal record of a special investigation)
医疗的 rapport
经济 ratio
财政 report
运输 gear
Rapporto 动词
药店 Ratio
rapportare 动词
一般 relate
医疗的 relation; proportion
rapporto medio capitale
: 2 短语, 1 学科