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名词 | 形容词 | 缩写 | 短语
class [klɑ:s] 名词
一般 sinf jamoaga oid
生物学 turkum; dars mashg‘ulotlar
class [klɑ:s] 形容词
微软 sinf (A category of objects that share a common set of characteristics)
 英语 词库
缩写, 信息技术 continuous acquisition and life-cycle support
缩写, 地球科学 Committee on Laser Atmospheric Studies
CLASS [klɑ:s] 形容词
军队 Close Air Support System
技术 classified
缩写 Christian Leaders And Speakers Seminar; Committee For Law Abiding State Senators; Centralized Local Area Selective Signaling; Custom Local-Area Signaling Services
缩写, 信息技术 Cell Level Atm Services Simulator; Custom Local Area Signaling Services; Java bytecode
缩写, 军队 Closed Loop Artillery Simulation System
缩写, 军队, 航空 cargo/logistics airlift systems study
缩写, 医疗的 Clinical Anatomy Interactive Lesson
缩写, 宗教 Christian Leaders Authors Speakers Services
缩写, 教育 Clustered Learning For Academic Student Success; Connected Learning Assures Student Success; Connected Learning Assures Students Success; Connecting Learning And Accountability For Students And Schools; Connecting Learning Assures Successful Students
缩写, 气象 Client Access to Systems and Services; Cooperative Library Agency for Systems and Services; Java bytecode (compiled class - application)
缩写, 汽车 compressible liquid adaptive suspension system
缩写, 电子产品 customer local area signaling service; customer local area signaling system; customer local area special service; customized local access signaling service
缩写, 电话 Custom Local Area Signaling Service
缩写, 航海, 科学的 cross-chain LORAN atmospheric sounding system
缩写, 苏格兰语 Chameleonic Light Altering Simulated System (US Army); Closed-Loop Artillery Simulation System; Coherent Laser radar Airborne Shear Sensor; Computing, Laser-Aided, Sight System
缩写, 通讯 custom local area signalling service
缩写, 邮政服务 Computerized Labeling and Address Sequence System
计算 comprehensive satellite link simulation package
class [klɑ:s] 形容词
军队, 缩写 cls
投资, 缩写 cl.
缩写, 聚合物 cl
class. 缩写
缩写 classification
缩写, 商业 classified
缩写, 图书馆员 classic; classical
Class [klɑ:s] 缩写
缩写 Classification/Classified
.CLASS 形容词
信息技术 application/octet-stream
CLASS [klɑ:s] 缩写
缩写, 商业活动 classification; classify
缩写, 地球科学 capacity loading and schedule system; coherent lidar airborne shear sensor; Cross-Crosschain Loran Atmospheric Sounding System (NCAR)
缩写, 石油/石油 central leg anchor separation system; clay analysis & shaly sand evaluation
缩写, 空间 carrier landing aid stabilization system; communications link analysis and simulation system
: 19 短语, 2 学科