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 英语 词库
restricted area [rɪ'strɪktɪd'e(ə)rɪə]
军队, 后勤 An area under military jurisdiction in which special security measures are employed to prevent unauthorized entry. (UKR/NATO)   ؛An airspace of defined dimensions, above the land areas or territorial waters of a state, within which the flight of aircraft is restricted in accordance with certain specified conditions. (UKR/NATO)   ؛An area in which there are special restrictive measures employed to prevent or minimize interference between friendly forces. (UKR/NATO)   ؛An area delimited and enclosed to maintain the protection of facilities, equipment, secrecy of researches, studies or productions in which the freedom of movement is constantly forbidden. 2. NATO A designated location or area within which NATO or NATO-led forces accept a specified degree of responsibility for persons or property and may impose restrictions on movement. Related term: safe area. Note: the use of force may be authorized to establish and protect a secure area. (FRA)
美国 An area land, sea, or air in which there are special restrictive measures employed to prevent or minimize interference between friendly forces. 亦见 restricted areas air   ؛An area under military jurisdiction in which special security measures are employed to prevent unauthorized entry (JP 3-34) 亦见 restricted areas air
航空, 加拿大 Class F airspace of defined dimensions above the land areas or territorial waters within which the flight of aircraft is restricted in accordance with certain specified conditions
restricted areas air
美国 Designated areas established by appropriate authority over which flight of aircraft is restricted (JP 3-52) 亦见 restricted area
Restricted Area [rɪ'strɪktɪd'e(ə)rɪə]
缩写, 航空 R (MichaelBurov)