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hash [hæʃ] 名词
一般 м'ясне рагу; січене м'ясо; стара думка, що видається за нове; неоригінальне висловлювання, що видається за нове; мішанина f; плутанина f; рублене м'ясо; анаша f; електричні шуми; кришити; фарш m; хаотична перешкода; шумова доріжка
信息技术 полова f
信息技术, 非正式的 сміття n
军队 знак #
微软 гешування n (A fixed-size result that is obtained by applying a one-way mathematical function (sometimes called a hash algorithm) to an arbitrary amount of data. If there is a change in the input data, the hash changes. The hash can be used in many operations, including authentication and digital signing)
收音机 шум радіоприймача
社交媒体 знак решітки (Yuriy Sokha); октоторп m (Yuriy Sokha)
计算 випадкові дані; непотрібна інформація
hash [hæʃ] 动词
一般 сікти (м'ясо); рубати (м'ясо); наплутати; зіпсувати (щось)
hash [hæʃ] 形容词
信息技术 хеш
计算 хеш (випадкова, непотрібна інформація в пам'яті)
 英语 词库
hash [hæʃ] 名词
Hash House Harriers (The Hash House Harriers (HHH or H3) is an international group of non-competitive running social clubs. An event organized by a club is known as a Hash or Run, or a Hash Run. A common denominal verb for this activity is Hashing, with participants calling themselves Hashers. Male members are referred to as Harriers, which females are known as Hariettes. wikipedia.org)
一般 with beer being the treasure (The Global hash concept is simple: the “hares” lay a trail with flour, signs or shredded paper and the hashers follow it. As each person has their own physical condition (or lack thereof), not everyone runs at the same speed – but the idea is to follow the trail and keep the pack more or less together. The way the hares achieve this, is that in addition to laying a trail to follow, they also lay false trails (Check-Backs), tricking the front runners (Front Running Bastards - FRB's) and eventually bringing them back to the pack. Also Check-Forward marks are used force FRBs to search for the next part of the trail, while the slower runners catch up. Shortcutting and walking are allowed/positively encouraged (and finable), but competitive running is “severely” punished! After the actual Run: The run is followed by the "down-down” ceremony. This is something like a kangaroo court, where the 'religious advisor' is inaugurated to absolve you of your crimes committed on the run or otherwise worthy of 'punishment/recognition'. The wrongdoers have to swallow a pint of beer (actually somewhat less) while the rest of the hashers are singing. And what they can't drink, they have to tip on their heads!" Углов); # (IlyaMart)
hash: 32 短语, 11 学科