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微软 hamisha; uhamisho
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transfer ['trænsfɜ:] 名词
微软 hamisha (To move data from one location to another); uhamisho (The movement of information from one location to another, either within a computer (as from a disk drive to memory), between a computer and an external device (as between a file server and a computer on a network), or between separate computers)
 英语 词库
transfer ['trænsfɜ:] 名词
军队, 缩写 tr; trf
技术, 缩写 trnfr
投资, 缩写 tfr
缩写, 会计 t/f
缩写, 信息技术 trn
缩写, 农业 trs
缩写, 建筑结构 trsf (Serhio the best)
缩写, 矿业 trfr
缩写, 经济 tsfr
缩写, 美国人 tfr.; trans; transf.
TRANSFER ['trænsfɜ:] 名词
军队 transportation simulation for estimating requirements
Transfer ['trænsfɜ:] 名词
军队, 缩写 Xfer
: 8 短语, 1 学科