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SVS 名词
一般 Sociedad de las veterinarios suizos
Sv 名词
核物理 Sv m; sievert m
 英语 词库
SV 名词
军队 security violation; self-verification; supervelocity
商标 Spectrol
技术 saturation voltage; scan velocity; scattering volume; shared variables; shear velocity; shuttle vehicle; Socony vacuum oil company; solenoid valve; state vector; stop valve; surface varactor
油和气 current phase step number; setpoint of flow rate; setpoint value
缩写 Sales Volume; Saturn V Rocket; Sierra Vista; Silicon Valley; Space Vehicle; Standard Velocity; Swedish; Greater Shenandoah Valley Development Company - Shenandoah Valley Railroad; safety valve; Sailing Vessel; Savannah Field Office; Secure Voice; self-ventilated; Short Vector; Short Vertical; Sighting Vessel; Signature Version; Simulate And View; Smart Vu; Societal Value; Special Vehicle; Special View; Sport Veloce; Stay Vicious; Stink Value; Storage Violation; Straight Vanilla; Strayer Voigt; structuur vennootschap (Yeldar Azanbayev); Sub Verbum; Sub Verso; Sudden Valley; Super Value; Super Version; Suzuki Vee; Sweet Vermouth
缩写, 临床试验 Screening Visit (a320neo)
缩写, 人工智能 Support Vector
缩写, 供水 Sludge Volume
缩写, 信息技术 Save Video; Scalar Value
缩写, 军队 Schedule Variance; Sniper Version; space vehicle
缩写, 冷藏 semi-vertical cabinet (MichaelBurov)
缩写, 化学, 科学的 Stochastic Volatility
缩写, 北约 Suspect Vessel / suspect vessel (Nu Zdravstvuy)
缩写, 医疗的 Sapporo Virus; Sarcoma Virus; Satellite Virus; Simian Virus; Streak Virus; Symptomless Virus; Syncytial Virus; stroke volume; supraventricular; stated value (ssn); secretory vesicles; short of breath; sinus venosus; systolic volume; stroke output
缩写, 商业 Systems View
缩写, 商标 Stern Volmer
缩写, 大规模杀伤性武器 schedule variance
缩写, 奇幻和科幻 Super Vegeta
缩写, 媒体 Silent Version
缩写, 实验室设备 Serum Viscosity
缩写, 心脏病学 single ventricle (единый желудочек Dimpassy)
缩写, 技术 secondary variable (Метран); sailboat
缩写, 政治 El Salvador; Svalbard
缩写, 教育, 科学的 Saginaw Valley
缩写, 树液 surrender value (ptraci)
缩写, 汽车 safety vehicle; shift valve; swept volume; side valves
缩写, 泌尿外科 seminal vesicle (Ying)
缩写, 照片 Separate Viewfinder
缩写, 生物学 simian virus
缩写, 电子产品 scientific visualization; scout vehicle; selected vision; set value; share view; silicon varactor (diode); silicon vidicon; single value; slowed-down video; space variant; speech voltmeter; spin valve; status vector; switch verification; synchronization vector
缩写, 电气工程 synchronous voltage
缩写, 畜牧业 starch value
缩写, 石油/石油 shear wave polarized in the vertical plane of profile; solid volume; standing valve
缩写, 矿业 side view
缩写, 纳米技术 synaptic vesicle
缩写, 聚合物 saponification value; specific volume
缩写, 肿瘤学, 医疗的 Splice Variant; Start Value
缩写, 航海, 科学的 Sea View
缩写, 航空 servo-valve (ВосьМой); Shop visit (Тяжелая (трудоёмкая) форма технического обслуживания главных (маршевых) двигателей самолета geseb); screw down valve; self ventilated; self verification; simulation validation; shutoff valve; speed variation; speed variator; spherical valve; spillover valve; splitter valve; spring valve; standard voltmeter; static voltmeter; Saudi Arabian Airlines
缩写, 萨哈林岛 Swab Valve
缩写, 解剖学 splenic vein (igisheva)
缩写, 计算 single version
缩写, 运输 Standard Vehicle; Stroke Volume
缩写, 造船 surface vessel
缩写, 道路工程 service volume
缩写, 邮政服务 Sacs Vides ((empty mail bags) international mail category - see IMM); Surface Visibility (replaced TIMES, 2007)
缩写, 里海 Shanyrak village (Yeldar Azanbayev); safeguard verification (Yeldar Azanbayev)
能源行业 scientific visit; sound velocity
Sv 缩写
缩写 vapor saturation; service
缩写, 医疗的 sivert
缩写, 电子产品 sievert
能源行业 si evert
sv 缩写
缩写 sluice valve
缩写, 医疗的 severe
缩写, 医疗的, 拉丁 spiritus vini
缩写, 商业活动 surveyor
svs 缩写
缩写 services
缩写, 汽车 service vehicle soon; surround view system
质量控制和标准 spray volume solid (sakitamahime)
SVS 缩写
军队 secure voice subscriber; secure voice system; service school; stabilized viewing system
技术 secure voice switch system; security verification system
缩写 Single Virtual Space (IBM, OS, OS/SVS); subordinate voting shares (gennier)
缩写, 信息技术 Style sheet autosave file; single virtual storage system
缩写, 军队 Service
缩写, 医疗的 Slit Ventricle Syndrome; Society For Vascular Surgery
缩写, 地球科学 Society of Visiting Scientists
缩写, 教育, 科学的 Supersonica Virtual Seminar
缩写, 数学, 科学的 Stochastic Variable Selection
缩写, 电子产品 schematic-versus-schematic test; select vertical spacing; single virtual storage; single virtual system; space vehicle simulator; subthreshold voltage swing; supervisory signal; system verification suite
缩写, 电气工程 static var source; static var system
缩写, 石油/石油 sonic volumetric scanning tool; sonic volumetric stero-scan (ning, log)
缩写, 老兵专用医药, 医疗的 Sheep Veterinary Society; State Veterinary Service
缩写, 自动化设备 synthetic vision system
缩写, 航天 Space Vision System
缩写, 航空 Steven Village, Alaska USA; spinning vehicle simulator; strapdown velocity sensor; stress-free viscous system; systems with variable structure
缩写, 苏格兰语 Secure Voice Switch; Synthetic Visual System
缩写, 计算机网络 schedule visibility system (jagr6880)
缩写, 运动的 Smallville Virtual Season; Sport Vereinigung Schwechat; saves
缩写, 钻孔 sonic volumetric scan
能源行业 semi-volatile species