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dolly ['dɔlɪ] 名词
建造 carretilla f
汽车 plataforma rodante; sufridera f (e.g. hammer and dolly); aguantador m (e.g. hammer and dolly); horma f (e.g. hammer and dolly); apoyador m (e.g. hammer and dolly); gato para montar ruedas (wheel dolly/jack)
纺织工业 máquina de lavar doméstica
航空 remolque m
装载设备, 西班牙语 plataforma móvil
西班牙语 plataforma móvil (n.f.)
dollying 动词
行业, 建造 lavado del tejido
dolly ['dɔlɪ] 形容词
冶金, 机械工程 sufridera
文化学习 travelin para cámaras cinematográficas
机械工程 contraestampa; carretilla a mano de altura reducida
电子产品 aglomerado
社会科学, 社会学 metadona
行业, 建造 carretilla de mano con dos ruedas
行业, 建造, 冶金 ferre con bola de tierra
运输 plataforma de mantenimiento
运输, 建造 mesilla
运输, 机械工程 diábolo; carretilla de manipulación; carretilla de manutención
 英语 词库
dolly ['dɔlɪ] 名词
摄影 A dolly is a small truck which rolls along dolly tracks carrying the camera,some of the camera crew and occasionally the director. "Dolly" is also the action of moving the camera towards dolly up/in or away from dolly/pull back the object that it is pointing at. The term often appears in screenplays. There is a subtle difference between the results of a zoom shot and a dolly shot. In a zoom, the relative positions and sizes of all objects in the frame remains the same, whereas in a dolly shot this will change as the camera moves. Alfred Hitchcock's much-imitated shot in Vertigo used a combination zoom-in and dolly back, resulting in a dramatic change in perspective.
Dolly ['dɔlɪ] 缩写
缩写, 名字和姓氏, 矮小的 Dorothy
dolly: 22 短语, 7 学科