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stand and deliver强调
非正式的 выступить (часто экспромтом plushkina); показать себя (plushkina); показать, на что способен (plushkina); толкнуть речь (plushkina)
stand and deliver!
过时/过时 кошелёк или жизнь! (As I was goin' over / The Cork and Kerry Mountains / I saw Captain Farrell / And his money, he was countin' / I first produced my pistol / I then produced my rapier / I said, "Stand and deliver, / Or the devil he may take you"); деньги или жизнь!
 英语 词库
stand and deliver!
过时/过时 said in the past by highwaymen when they stopped a carriage on a road to demand objects of value from the travellers (cambridge.org)