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pro tem ['prǝʊ'tem]强调
拉丁 на время; временно (Anglophile); пока
法律 временно назначенное официальное должностное лицо с правом слушать и решать дела в суде (Am.E.; short for the Latin pro tempore, temporarily or for the time being. In law, judge pro tem normally refers to a judge who is sitting temporarily for another judge or to an attorney who has been appointed to serve as a judge as a substitute for a regular judge. When an appeals justice is not available or there is a vacancy, a lower court judge is appointed Justice Pro Tem until a new Justice is appointed. Small claims cases are often heard by an attorney serving as Judge Pro Tem Taras); временный судья (short for a temporary judge: Sam Collins is Pro Tem today Taras); на какое-то время (David Pierce will take his place as managing director at the company pro tem Taras)
 英语 词库
pro tem ['prǝʊ'tem]
法律 A temporary assigned official with authority to hear and decide cases in a court
pro. tem.
经济 pro tempore (Seregaboss)
pro tem.
拉丁 pro tempore (for the time being Vosoni)
pro tem: 3 短语, 2 学科