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名词 | 形容词 | 短语
interagency [intə'reidʒ(ə)nsi] 名词强调
一般 междуведомственный
书本/文学 посредничество
interagency [intə'reidʒ(ə)nsi] 形容词
一般 межведомственный (an interagency task force • I had been at the initial SALT II discussions with Ford and Brezhnev in Vladivostok nine months earlier and had led interagency preparations within the U.S. government for this follow-on. • As of Friday, there are major blazes burning in at least eight Western states, according to the interagency incident information system, Inciweb. Data from the system and the National Interagency Fire Center indicate that nearly 10 million acres have already burned in 2020. cnet.com)
军队, 航空 межведомственный
技术 межучрежденческий
 英语 词库
interagency [intə'reidʒ(ə)nsi] 名词
美国 Of or pertaining to United States Government agencies and departments, including the Department of Defense (JP 3-08) 亦见 interagency coordination
interagency management system
: 1 短语, 1 学科