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follow-on echelons强调
军队 последующие эшелоны (второй, третий)
follow-on echelon
军队 второй эшелон десанта (Киселев); последующий эшелон (второй, третий, резервы Киселев); последующий эшелон десанта (Киселев)
 英语 词库
follow-on echelon
军队 In amphibious operations, that echelon of the assault troops, vehicles, aircraft equipment, and supplies which, though not needed to initiate the assault, is required to support and sustain the assault
军队, 后勤 An amphibious operations, that echelon of the assault troops, vehicles, aircraft equipment, and supplies which, though not needed to initiate the assault, is required to support and sustain the assault. (FRA)
follow-on echelons
: 3 短语, 1 学科