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Vss 缩写强调
药理 объём распределения в равновесном состоянии (arwy)
VSS 缩写
汽车 уплотнение штока клапана (Valve Stem Seal aharin)
缩写 ЛВТВ (volatile suspended solid – летучее взвешенное твёрдое вещество shergilov)
 英语 词库
Vss 缩写
心脏病学 Variable Spot Size (при абляции Uljan)
缩写 volume of distribution at steady state (arwy)
VSS 缩写
军队 vehicle surveillance system; vehicle system simulator; video signal simulator; visual simulation system; voice signaling system
技术 variable sonar system; vehicle search sonar; velocity sensor system; vertical sounding system; video storage system; video supervisory signal; visual sensor set; visual systems simulator; voice switching system; voltage-sensing switch
生态 volatile suspended solid
电视 vertical sync separator
缩写 Virtual Shopping System; Virtual Space Simulator; Vision Sciences Society; VIDMAR STAK System; Voice Storage System; vibration / stick-slip (Alexander Demidov); vector symbol set; verifiable secret sharing; video surveillance system; Voluntary Sustainability Standards (soulveig); Visual Sexual Stimulus (soulveig)
缩写, 信息技术 Validation System Segment; Virtual Single Source; Visio SmartShapes file; Volume Shadow Copy Service
缩写, 军队 Vinovka Snaiperskaja Spetsialnaya; Vertical Seeking Subsystem (a/c seat ejection); Vessel Stopper System
缩写, 化学, 科学的 Volatile Suspended Solid
缩写, 医疗的 vancomycin saline solution (Natalya Rovina)
缩写, 商标 Vanguard Software Solutions, Inc.; Veronis Suhler Stevenson
缩写, 图书馆员 versions
缩写, 地球科学 value of the stochastic solution; very slightly soluble; volatile suspended substance
缩写, 大规模杀伤性武器 vented suppressive shielding; Volatile Suspended Solids
缩写, 媒体 Vanilla Sound Server
缩写, 宗教 Verses
缩写, 技术 vehicle speed sensor
缩写, 生理, 医疗的 Vital Signs Stable
缩写, 电子产品 variable shaped spot (system); variable structure system; vector scanning system; versatile storage server; VHDL system simulator; video satellite system; video services selector; video subsystem; virtual sound space; virtual studio system; virtual surrounding sound; virus scan security suite; vocabulary switching system
缩写, 电子产品, 科学的 Variable Soft Sphere
缩写, 石油/石油 vertical support structure; vibrator seismic source; voltage sensing switch; vortex separation system
缩写, 空间 variable-stability system; virtual support subsystem
缩写, 编程, 信息技术 Video Software Solution; Visual Source Safe; Visual Staff Scheduler
缩写, 自动化设备 virtual storage system
缩写, 航空 Vocabulary Support System; video sub system; stick shaker speed; vertical speed select; vertical stabilizer station; vertical selector service
缩写, 苏格兰语 Variable Stability System; Vehicle Support System; Vehicle Systems Simulator; Video Shooting System; Volume Search Sonar
缩写, 警察 Victim Suppot Scheme
缩写, 质量控制和标准 variable safety stock
缩写, 运输 Vehicle Speed Sensor; Venting Sliding Sunroof
能源行业 vapor suppression system
Vss: 7 短语, 6 学科