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VIP ['vi:aɪ'pi:] 缩写强调
一般 весьма важная персона; VIP-персона (AMlingua)
俚语 шишкарь (VLZ_58)
军队 важная персона; важное лицо
医疗的 вазоактивный интестинальный пептид (Alex Lilo)
商业活动 важная персона (very important person)
外交 очень важная персона (very important person)
媒体 система нелинейного видеомонтажа фирмы Tektronix Lightworks
广告 Очень важная персона
建筑材料 Вакуумированная термоизоляционная панель (Vacuum Insulated Panel yakush)
微软 виртуальный IP-адрес (An IP address that is not connected to a specific computer or network interface card. Service deployments are assigned a VIP for receiving network traffic which is redirected to a physical device in the Windows Azure fabric)
旅行 Защита от прерывания отдыха (программа страхования (Vacation Interruption Protection) Vyap26)
油和气 методы повышения экономической ценности (value improving practices Bauirjan); методы повышения экономической эффективности (Bauirjan)
生物化学 вазоактивный интестинальный полипептид (Maria Donchenko)
眼科 вертепорфин в фотодинамической терапии (Verteporfin in Photodynamic Therapy nih.gov lew3579)
缩写 ТВИ (трубопровод с вакуумной изоляцией maystay); трубопровод с вакуумной изоляцией (vacuum insulated pipeline maystay)
肿瘤学 вепезид, ифосфамид и цисплатин (схема химиотерапии Ying)
里海 мероприятия по оптимизации проекта (Yeldar Azanbayev)
非正式的 сокр. от very important person весьма важная персона
vip ['vi:aɪ'pi:] 缩写
一般 важная особа
俚语 шишка; заезжая знаменитость; что-то приготовленное важной персоне
 英语 词库
VIP ['vi:aɪ'pi:] 缩写
军队 variable incentive pay; virtual impact point; visitor information publication; visual identification point; voice information processor
技术 V-groove isolation polycrystalline; vacuum impregnated magnetics; versatile information processor; video input processor; video integrator and processor; viewers in profile; vision information program; visual image processor; visual input
缩写 Value In Partnership; Very Important Papers; Very Important Parent; Very Important Parents; Very Important People; Village Infrastructure Project; Volunteers In Parks; Volunteers In Partnership; value improving practices; value improving practices/process; Valerie Irons Protection; Value Indulgence And Privilege; Values Integrity And Principles; Values Integrity People; Variable Incentive Payment; Various Individualistic Personalities; Various Interesting Points; Vascular Intervention Program; Vehicle Investment Protection; Verified Identified Parentage; Verified Independently For Performance; Veritas Integration Platform; Versatile Image Processor; Versatile Interactive Pan; Versatility In Poodles; Very Ignorant People; Very Important Palestinian; Very Important Pandas; Very Important Partners; Very Important Petunia; Very Important Ponies; Very Important Prayer; Very Important Presentation; Very Impotent People; Very Impressive Pork; Very Impressive Proportions; classy (VIP-клиенты george serebryakov); variable induction power; vee isolation with polysilicon backfill; visual indicator panel; Very Innovative Product; Very Inspirational Posse; Very Intense Power; Very Interested Parents; Very Involved Parents; Very Irksome Place; VHDL instruction processor; Victim In Past; Victory In Place; Video Integration Processor; VINES Internet Protocol; Virginia Initiative Plant; Virginia Instructors Of Physics; Virtual Immediate Processing; Virtual Interactive Partnership; Virtual Internal Procurement; Visibility Image And Positioning; Vision Insight And Planning; Vision Integrated Performance; Visitor Improvement Program; Vista Income Properties; Visual Input Processor; Visual Inspection Program; Visual Inspirational And Performing; Visual Interactive Programming; VLB - ISA - PCI (board, VLB, ISA, PCI); Vlb Isa Pci; Volunteer Investment Program; Volunteers Invaluable Participants; Volunteers Of International Paper; Voyager Information Portal
缩写, 互联网 Virtual Internet Provider
缩写, 信息技术 video image processor; visionary interpreter for PostScript; visual programmer
缩写, 光学 virtual image processing
缩写, 军队 Ventilated Improved Pit; Visual Information Projection; visual information processor
缩写, 军队, 航空 value in performance
缩写, 医疗的 Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide; Very Intoxicated Person; Vegetative Insecticidal Protein; vasoactive intestinal peptide; ventilate, infuse and pump; very important patient
缩写, 商业活动 very important person (важная персона Val_Ships)
缩写, 商标 Volunteers In Progress
缩写, 地球科学 vector induced polarization; visiting investigator program
缩写, 安全系统 very important person
缩写, 宗教 Voices In Praise
缩写, 实验室设备 Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide
缩写, 教育 Victory In Partnership
缩写, 教育, 科学的 Very Important Problem
缩写, 文件扩展名 Variable Information Processing; Video Information Provider; Virtual Interrupt Pending; Visual Interactive Parser
缩写, 汽车 video image processor; vehicle intrusion program; vehicle intrusion protection
缩写, 法律 Visually Impaired Person
缩写, 生物技术 Visual immunoprecipitation (Altuntash)
缩写, 生理, 医疗的 Visual Information Processing
缩写, 电子产品 V-isolation process; vector information processor; vector inner product; vector instruction processor; vertically integrated PNP process; V-groove isolation polysilicon backfill; V-groove isolation process; video information panel; video interface port; video programming; vision integrated positioning; voltage impulse protection; virtual Internet protocol
缩写, 电子产品, 科学的 Vertically Integrated Pnp
缩写, 石油/石油 volum-in-place
缩写, 空间 video integrated presentation
缩写, 纺织工业 jeans Very important person jeans
缩写, 老兵专用医药, 医疗的 Very Important Pet
缩写, 聚合物 Vacuum Infusion Process (bonly); Vacuum Infusion Processing (bonly)
缩写, 航空 very important person/passenger; video interface processor; virtual interface processor; vision information processing; visual, intelligent and personal; voice interactive phone; value in performance; visible initial point; visual image processing
缩写, 航空医学 voice interruption priority
缩写, 苏格兰语 Vehicle Improvement Programme; Vertical launch Interface Processor; Vertically Integrated Photodiode; Video Imaging Projectile; Visual Integrated Presentation
缩写, 计算机网络, 信息技术 Versatile Interface Processor
缩写, 证券 value index of participation
缩写, 质量控制和标准 value improvement program
缩写, 运动的 Very Important Player
缩写, 邮政服务 Vehicle Improvement Program (USPS database contains contract records on the purchases of all non-mail hauling vehicles for the Postal Service)
缩写, 音乐 Vanilla Ice Posse
缩写, 马卡罗夫 vasoactive intestinal polypeptide; vertical ionization potential
能源行业 a very important person
vip ['vi:aɪ'pi:] 缩写
缩写 very important passenger; very important people
ViP ['vi:aɪ'pi:] 缩写
文件扩展名 Visual Programming (Lotus)
: 68 短语, 24 学科