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TCF 缩写强调
一般 technical construction file, документ о техническом состоянии (koshkinna)
分子生物学 транскрипционный фактор (CubaLibra)
医疗的 трёхкомпонентная комбинация препаратов, применяющаяся в онкологии (доцетаксел, цисплатин, 5-фторурацил ННатальЯ)
库页岛 триллионов кубических футов (trillion cubic feet)
燃气轮机 центральная опора турбины (turbine center frame Darkwing duck)
电信 функция тренировочной проверки (у факса vlad-and-slav)
电力系统保护 Тиристорный преобразователь частоты (Shmelev Alex)
经济 текстильная, швейная и обувная продукция (hovanni); текстильная, швейная и кожевенно-обувная отрасли (hovanni); текстильная, швейная и кожевенно-обувная промышленность (hovanni); лёгкая промышленность (hovanni)
计算机网络 кадр проверки настройки
里海 временные сооружения на период строительства (Yeldar Azanbayev)
 英语 词库
TCF 缩写
军队 tactical combat fighter; tactical combat force; tactical control flight; technical control facilities; troop carrier forces
缩写 The Century Foundation; The Compassionate Friends; The Conservation Fund; Total Cost Flow; Totally Checking Free; Transcendental Chronology Of Fatherhood; Trillion Cubic Feet; Twin City Flat; temperature correction factor (harser); Thin Client Framework (IBM, Java); Todays Corporate Fuckers; Transparent Computing Facility; Treating Customers Fairly (Juliafranchuk); terminal configuration facility; troop-carrier force
缩写, 互联网 The Computer Forum
缩写, 免疫学 tumor cytotoxicity factor
缩写, 公司治理 technical conversion factor
缩写, 军队 Tactical Combat Force; Tactical Control Function; Tanks Can Fly; Technical Complexity Factor; Total Combat Force; technical control facility
缩写, 分子生物学 Transcription Factor (CubaLibra)
缩写, 医疗的 T-cell Factor; Treacher Collins-Franceschetti (syndrome); time comparability factor; tissue coding factor; total coronary flow; triceps skin fold
缩写, 压电晶体 temperature coefficient of mid-band frequency
缩写, 商标 Trenton Computer Festival; Twin City Fan and Blower
缩写, 宗教 Trojan Christian Fellowship
缩写, 建造 Temporary Construction Facilities (ixtra)
缩写, 技术 technical construction file (bucu); track chain feeder (ВосьМой)
缩写, 测谎 totally chlorine free (Alexander Oshis)
缩写, 生理, 医疗的 Ternary Complex Factor
缩写, 电信 training check function (vlad-and-slav)
缩写, 电子产品 temperature coefficient of frequency; temperature coefficient of resonant frequency; temporary correction file; time-correlation function; transcoder and filter; transcoder-common function; transmission convergence function; triangular core fiber; tunable control frequency; twin-core fiber
缩写, 石油/石油 technical certification form; texture of cellulose fiber
缩写, 空手道 tank checkout facility
缩写, 经济 textile, clothing and footwear (hovanni)
缩写, 股票交易 Twentieth Century Fund
缩写, 航海, 科学的 Totally Chlorine Free
缩写, 航空 Tocoa, Honduras; Terrain Clearance Floor; test completion form; turbine center frame
缩写, 英式英语 Temporary Chaplain to the Forces
缩写, 萨哈林岛 trillion cubic feet
缩写, 计算机网络, 信息技术 Transparent Cluster Facility
缩写, 遗传学 T cell factor
能源行业 target cash flow; turbulent core fraction
TCF: 4 短语, 2 学科