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LSN 缩写强调
微软 последний порядковый номер (A number that's assigned by the Provisioning Server to the most recent transaction processed for a specified computer); номер LSN (A unique number assigned to each entry in a transaction log. LSNs are assigned sequentially according to the order in which entries are created)
 英语 词库
LSN 缩写
缩写, 电子产品 line stabilization network; link set number; load sharing network; local supervision network
缩写, 航空 landing since new (lexicographer)
LSN 缩写
军队 local stock number
石油/石油, 缩写 long spaced neutron
缩写 Landmine Survivors Network; Lifelong Services Network; Logical Sector Numbers (OS-9)
缩写, 军队 Large Scale Network
缩写, 空间 linear sequential network
缩写, 航空 Los Banos, California USA
缩写, 计算机网络, 信息技术 Large Scale Networking; Leads System Network; Local Session Number
缩写, 运输 Low Speed Needle
缩写, 非洲 Language Society of Namibia
能源行业 localized service network