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Competition Law强调
法律 Закон о защите конкуренции (Alexander Matytsin)
competition law
一般 законодательство о защите конкуренции (Competition law, known in the United States as antitrust law, is law that promotes or maintains market competition by regulating anti-competitive conduct by companies. Wiki Alexander Demidov); антимонопольное регулирование (the body of law that regulates business activities and markets, especially agreements and practices that limit competition: A delay in introducing competition laws to protect the interests of consumers in Guernsey has raised concerns. American English: antitrust/anti-trust. TED Alexander Demidov)
法律 конкурсное право; законодательство о защите конкуренции (в ЕС Kovrigin); антимонопольный закон (pansypras)
环境 закон о конкуренции (That part of the law dealing with matters such as those arising from monopolies and mergers, restrictive trading agreements, resale price maintenance and agreements involving distortion of competition affected by EU rules; Законодательство, регулирующее такие вопросы, как вопросы, связанные с монополиями и слиянием компаний, ограничительными торговыми соглашениями, поддержанием цен в контрактах перепродажи и соглашениями, содержащими условия, нарушающие конкуренцию и идущие вразрез с законодательством ЕС)
经济 конкурентное право (makhno); антимонопольное право (Термин объемлет не только законодательство, но и (в странах общего права) судебные прецеденты.: law A.Rezvov)
英国 антимонопольное законодательство (Competition law, known in the United States as antitrust law, are laws that promote or maintain market competition by regulating anti-competitive conduct. (wiki) – АД); антимонопольное законодательство (The set of laws and regulations governing market behaviour, particularly agreements and practices that restrict competition and the acquisition and use of market power. EC competition law is based on Article 81 and Article 82, supplemented by Council Regulation 1/2003 and the EC Merger Regulation. UK competition law is based on the Competition Act ... Found on reckon.co.uk Alexander Demidov)
Competition Law: 17 短语, 5 学科