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CPA 名词强调
Игорь Миг Временная администрация сил коалиции в Ираке
一般 "Кэнейдиен Пасифик Эрлайнз"; дипломированный общественный бухгалтер (US; аудитор Lavrov)
Gruzovik, 经济 анализ методом критического пути (critical path analysis); Союз производителей какао (Cocoa Producers’ Alliance; основан в 1962 г. для обмена технической и научной информацией и обсуждения проблем производства какао; члены: Бразилия, Камерун, Кот д’Ивуар, Доминиканская Республика, Эквадор, Габон, Гана, Малайзия, Мексика, Нигерия, Сан-Томе и Принсипи, Того, Тринидад и Тобаго (Лагос, Нигерия))
互联网 Оплата за действие (Cost per action; Потенциальный клиент должен не только перейти на сайт, но и выполнить определенные действия, напр., заполнить анкету и отправить ее, подписаться на рассылку, заказать пробник товара, купить товар и т.д. luisochka)
会计 дипломированный бухгалтер (certified public Accountants); дипломированный финансовый аналитик (Chartered Financial Analyst); общественный бухгалтер (certified public Accountants)
农业 p-хлорфеноксиуксусная кислота (Весельчак У)
北约 точка максимального сближения (Yeldar Azanbayev)
医疗的 цветная ангиография (Color Power Angio Dmitry)
商业活动 дипломированный государственный бухгалтер-ревизор (certified public accountant)
石油/石油 Канадская нефтяная ассоциация (Canadian Petroleum Association)
细菌学 КСА (колониестимулирующая активность – colony-promoting activity)
经济 анализ рентабельности по покупателям (customer profitability analysis Pchelka911)
缩写 Христианская полицейская ассоциация (Christian Police Association mrssam)
美国人 Совет управления персонала (Aly19); дипломированный бухгалтер-ревизор, аудитор (GeorgeK)
联合国 Contract Purchase Agreement-соглашение о закупке по контракту (Zakir)
银行业 официальный счёт государственного учреждения (certified public account)
CPA 缩写
化学 chloroplatinic acid платинохлористоводородная кислота (ПХВК; H2PtCl6 Izuminka2008)
有色行业 ПХВК (платинохлористоводородная кислота; chloric platinum acid Soulbringer)
cPA 缩写
医疗的 циклическая фосфотидная кислота (Еленаstar)
 英语 词库
CPA 名词
广告 Cost Per Action (CPA (Cost Per Action) or (Cost Per Acquisition) advertising is performance based and is common in the affiliate marketing sector of the business. In this payment scheme, the publisher takes all the risk of running the ad, and the advertiser pays only for the amount of users who complete a transaction, such as a purchase or sign-up. wiki Alexander Demidov)
缩写 Canadian Pacific Air Lines; Concrete Pipe Association; condensed phosphoric acid; Cotter Pin Association
缩写, 化学 β-cyanopropionaldehyde
缩写, 商业 common agricultural policy; Cour Permanente d' Arbitrage
缩写, 商业活动 claims payable abroad; constant potential accelerator; certificate certified public accountant certificate
缩写, 地球科学 charged particle activation techniques; Commonwealth Preference Area; Community Planning Act
缩写, 多媒体 cost per action
缩写, 收音机 color phase alternating; colour phase alternating
缩写, 石油/石油 cathodic protection analyzer; certified chartered public accountant; chartered patent agent; chartered pubic accountant; clinopyroxene plagioclase aggregate; combined phase shift and attenuation; constant current pulse ampere; Control of Pollution Act
缩写, 空间 circular patch antenna; co-polarization attenuation
缩写, 纺织工业 Calico Printer's Association
缩写, 经济 certified public accountants; chartered public accountant
缩写, 航空 Cathay Pacific Airways; closed packed array; computing process architecture; control Panel assembly
CPA 缩写
军队 central purchasing authority; chief of public affairs; closest point of approach; command post aircraft; command post augmentees; contingency planning aid; continuous patrol aircraft; cost planning and appraisal
技术 color phase alternation; cylindrical parabola antenna
投资 certified public account
缩写 colony-promoting activity; Can't Produce Anything; Child Placement Agency; Child Protective Agency; Consumer Protection Agency; Contract Price Adjustment; Control Panel Application; Cost Per Acquisition; Can't Pass Again; Canadian Pacific Airlines; Candid Political Accountant; Cattleman's Protective Association; Center for Professional Advancement; Central Provisional Authority; certified public accountant; Certified Public Annoyance; Certified Publicly Acceptable; Charged Particle Analysis; Cheapest Price Available; Chocolate Pistachio Almond; Church Planting Academy; Civil Preparedness Agency; CJCS Preparedness Assessment; Cleaning, Pressing, and Altering; Co Polymer Alloy; Coherent Potential Approximation; Collaboration Protocol Agreements (ebXML); Collection Planning Aid; colour phase alternation (Vosoni); Combat Pilots Association; Combined Pensioners Association; Commonwealth Parliamentary Association; Communist Party of Australia; Competent Personal Attention; Computerized Personal Assistant; Concurrent Photon Amplification; Condescending And Patronizing Americans; Corporate Piracy Accomplices; Corrupt Provisional Authority; Couldn't Pass Again; Council of Professional Associations; Country Press Association; Creditors Protection Association; Cut Paste And Assemble; Cut, Paste, Assemble
缩写, 信息安全 central keying authority
缩写, 信息技术 channel port adapter
缩写, 公司治理 analyse du chemin critique
缩写, 军队 Chairman's Program Assessment; Chief of Public Affairs; Coalition Provisional Authority; Critical Path Analysis
缩写, 军队, 航空 Cathay Pacific Airways
缩写, 农业 Crop Protection Association; cyclophosphamide
缩写, 化学 chloroplatinic acid (Oxiplegatz)
缩写, 医疗的 Canadian Physiotherapy Association; Canadian Psychiatric Association; Cardiac Peak Amplitude; Cardiophrenic Angle; Cardiopulmonary Arrest; Centre For Policy On Ageing; Chlorophenoxyacetic Acid; Cyclopiazonic Acid; Care Programme Approach; cerebello-pontine angle (Игорь_2006); chronic polyarthritis (хронический полиартрит Dimpassy); citrullinated protein antibodies (антитела к цитруллинсодержащему пептиду Dimpassy); costophrenic angle (Andrey Truhachev); cerebellar pontine angle; Child Protection Act; chlorophenylalanine; Canadian Psychological Association
缩写, 国际关系 Cotonou Partnership Agreement (kopeika)
缩写, 大规模杀伤性武器 Chairman Program Assessment
缩写, 广告 cost-per-action (интернет-маркетинг Melted)
缩写, 微软 Canadian Payment Association (An organization that specifies payment formats for Canada)
缩写, 技术 closest point of aprroach
缩写, 教育 Certified Public Accountant; Close Personal Attention
缩写, 教育, 科学的 Comprehensive Performance Assessment; Cumulative Point Average
缩写, 欧洲复兴开发银行 country performance assessment (Hot-Ice)
缩写, 毒理学 cyclopiazonic acid (igisheva)
缩写, 汽车 connector position assurance
缩写, 法律 Consumer Protection Act
缩写, 物理, 科学的 Chirped-Pulse Amplification
缩写, 电子产品 calling party answer; carry parallel adder; carry propagate adder; charged particle activation; chirped pulse amplification; 4-chlorophthalaldehyde; circuit parameter analysis; Circuits Processing Apparatus, Inc.; commutative principle for addition; computerized process analyzer; computer performance analysis; copolar attenuation; CPU port address bus
缩写, 石油/石油 Canadian Petroleum Association
缩写, 科学的 Chosen Plaintext Attack
缩写, 组织机构名称 Comprehensive Peace Agreement; Cocoa Producers' Alliance; Chartered Accountant; Conference, Council, and Protocol Affairs Division
缩写, 经济 continuing programme activity
缩写, 航空 Canadian Pacific Airline; common purchasing agreement; Chartered Professional Accountant
缩写, 计算机网络, 信息技术 Content Provider Access
缩写, 财政 Classification of Products by Activities; Computer Pool Account
能源行业 critical-path analysis
CPa 缩写
缩写 Canadian Psychological Association
CPA: 8 短语, 8 学科