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Gruzovik knock on the door several times
一般 give a knock (в дверь); knock (on); tap (В.И.Макаров); rap (on)
Gruzovik, 非正式的 knock oneself against (pf of стучаться); bang oneself against (pf of стучаться); knock at (pf of стучаться)
非正式的 knock oneself (against); bang oneself (against)
马卡罗夫 knock at; knock at the door; knock on the door; rap at; rap on
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Gruzovik bang (pf of стучать); hammer (pf of стучать); pound (pf of стучать); pulse (pf of стучать); thump (pf of стучать); throb (pf of стучать); of teeth chatter (pf of стучать); tap for a while; knock few times; knock; knock for a while; rap for a while
一般 knock; beat against (of rain); knock for admittance (чтобы войти); pulse; bang; chatter (of one's teeth); clatter; hammer; knock few times; make noise; rap; tap for a while; pelt; tap at something (to tap at [the door/the window/the side window/the windscreen/the rear window] – постучать в [дверь/окно/боковое стекло/лобовое стекло/заднее стекло]; во что-либо TarasZ); tap; throb (of teeth); thump; pound; rattle
技术 tap lightly (молотком)
牙科 tap the patient's teeth (MichaelBurov)
马卡罗夫 knock at; rap at; rap on
постучаться: 74 短语, 8 学科
英国(用法,不是 BrE)3