
   俄语 英语
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一般 blue; azure; bugger
测谎 cyan
罕见/稀有 azury
技术 sky blue
俚语 mintie; agfay; woofter; banana crammer
| фиолетовый
一般 purple
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名词 | 形容词 | 短语
голубой 名词强调
一般 light blue
俚语 pansy (MichaelBurov)
庸俗 arse-bandit
性和性亚文化 invert (жаргон (в словаре по сексологии) I. Havkin)
голуба 名词
Gruzovik deary (as a term of address; = голубчик)
Gruzovik, 讽刺 my friend (= голубчик); smart guy (= голубчик)
Gruzovik, 诗意的 young pigeon (= голубчик)
Gruzovik, 非正式的 dear fellow (= голубчик); dear friend (= голубчик); my dear (= голубчик); as term of address deary (= голубчик)
"голубой" 名词
一般 gay guy
голубой 形容词
Gruzovik aquamarine; pale-blue
一般 blue; azure; bugger; ROYGBIV; dusty blue (Belka_me); sky blue (цвет Val_Ships); purple (It's the "gay" color in Russian-speaking countries, much like purple is in America. : Russian: "that guy, he so--light blue" American: "Light-blue? What the fuck? It's purple. Purple is the color we use here to describe gays." urbandictionary.com Alexander Demidov); light blue (wikipedia.org Tamerlane); cerulean; welkin
blue (по шкале цветности Фореля-Уля NN 1, 2)
俚语 mintie; agfay (AmE); woofter; banana crammer (LittleUA); friend of Dorothy (Am. Andrey Truhachev); poof (Br. Andrey Truhachev); rear gunner (Br. Andrey Truhachev); shirtlifter (Br. Andrey Truhachev); uphill gardener Br. (Andrey Truhachev); pansy boy (upws); queer (Mykael); queen (Br.Eng. Mykael); fag (Am. Andrey Truhachev); brokeback (vogeler); fag (гомосексуалист); faggot (гомосексуалист); faggy (гомосексуалист)
信息技术 aqua
具象的 gay (Andrew Goff)
养鱼 pale (dimock)
导航 blue (по шкале цветности № 1, 2)
技术 sky blue; sky-blue
水资源 blue (по шкале цветности Фореля-Уля №№ 1, 2)
测谎 cyan (о краске); process blue
犬种 blueish
生物技术 caeruleous
电子产品 cyan (один из основных цветов в колориметрических моделях CMY и CMYK)
电气工程 bu (blue SergeyL)
石油/石油 light-blue
罕见/稀有 azury
美国人 homosexual, gay, fag (Russian slang); fag; faggot; faggy
计算 cyan
讽刺 romantic (Aly19); idyllic (Aly19)
谩骂 fag (презрительное, в среде геев иногда используется как шутливое avk)
过时/过时 cerule; ceruleous; watchet
非正式的 homosexual (Andrew Goff); fag bag (She is a fag bag – У нее муж голубой (Глазунов С.А.) baiburin)
马卡罗夫 process blue (о печатной краске)
"голубой" 形容词
一般 purple (homosexual [the image of purple as a ‘royal' colour, thus of a queen n. (2)]. Green's Dictionary of Slang: • 1942 [US] Davis & Wolsey Call House Madam (1943) 343: Purple love's no good cold sober. • 1955 [US] J. Blake letter 8 Aug. in Joint (1972) 67: His purple reputation was beginning to rub off on me. • 1978 [US] Jay & Young Lavender Culture (1979) 255: [Ch. heading] Purple Prose and Violet Verse. • 1991 [US] W.T. Vollmann Whores for Gloria 128: Jimmy said well boys I was decorated in the service of my duty and they said yaah the Purple Pecker Award! Alexander Demidov)
幽默/诙谐 one of those ("There's Jenny and Betsy and Lizzie and Rose and Annie and Johnny -- he is one of those!" (a British TV Christmas Special) ART Vancouver)
голубой-фиолетовый: 11 短语, 4 学科