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一般 meet resistance (If the armored infantry met any resistance, the American armor was in position to deal a heavy blow. • He just couldn't believe it would be this easy but so far they hadn't met any resistance. Alex_Odeychuk); be met with resistance (from someone – со стороны кого-либо: Yet legislative efforts to level the playing field have met with resistance from manufacturers and others. 4uzhoj); come under resistance (The use of traffic enforcement cameras in the city has come under resistance due to erroneous privacy issues/ Zhanna_kz); encounter resistance ("If forces from participating nations encountered any resistance, "the use of force may be necessary," he said. • With respect to your investigation of foreign carriers, has the FMC encountered any resistance or reluctance in any aspect of its investigations)
军队 find opposition; meet with opposition; meet with resistance
马卡罗夫 face pressure; meet resistance
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军队 in the face of opposition (противника); in the face of resistance (противника)
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: 23 短语, 6 学科