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браток 名词强调
一般 possy (член того же или близкого к субъекту криминального социума, как правило стоящий ниже по иерархической лестнице нежели сам субъект. Например, Промокашка, Кирпич и Копченый are possies Горбатому fttoa); champ (Bartek2001); thug (Tanya Gesse)
Gruzovik, 非正式的 old man (as term of address); old chap (as term of address); my boy (as term of address); boy (as term of address)
俚语 mobster (slang denghu); nigga (Slang term for homie, friend, buddy, etc., used primarily by African-Americans but has spread to other races as well tarantula); buddy (Andrey Truhachev); nizzle (a close friend. A hip-hop, urban black coinage, formed as a rhyming reduplication of SHIZZLE (sure, yes) US, 2001; Partridge slang dictionary, 2008 Taras)
黑色俚语 brotha (grafleonov)
братка 名词
俚语 champ (Баян)
行话 mate (4uzhoj)
非标 bro (igisheva)
黑色俚语 slim (andreon)
братки 名词
一般 compadres (Tanya Gesse)
俚语 Mob (slang – organized crime denghu)
cronies (yarmakhov)
oбратка 名词
俚语 payback (oligarch-speak ankicadeenka); retaliation (eye for an eye ankicadeenka)
 俄语 词库
браток 名词
非正式的 aff dim of брат
браток: 3 短语, 2 学科