
   俄语 英语
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非正式的 start to drink
一般 light up; start smoking; have a smoke; begin to smoke; fill with tobacco smoke; light a cigarette
非正式的 spark up; start to drink
美国人 马卡罗夫 have a draw
| не
一般 not
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动词 | 动词 | 短语
закурить 动词强调
Gruzovik begin to smoke; fill with tobacco smoke (pf of закуривать)
一般 light up (трубку и т. п.); start smoking; have a smoke; light a cigarette (ART Vancouver); smoke; take up smoking
Gruzovik, 过时/过时 begin to distil
Gruzovik, 非正式的 start to drink hard sic; start to smoke hard
俚语 have a puff (Arleyn)
美国人, 马卡罗夫 have a draw
非正式的 spark up (напр: косячок chronik)
закуриться 动词
Gruzovik become ignited (pf of закуриваться; of cigarette, pipe, etc); take fire of cigarette, pipe, etc (pf of закуриваться); begin to drift of fog, smoke, etc; begin to spread of fog, smoke, etc; begin to emit smoke; light of cigarette, pipe, etc (pf of закуриваться)
一般 spread (of fog, smoke, etc)
非正式的 make oneself ill by excessive smoking; smoke excessively
закуренный 分词
一般 reeky
закурит 动词
非正式的 start to drink (ha)
Закурить не: 11 短语, 3 学科