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decibel ['desɪbel] 名词
建造 decibel m
decibel A unit used to express relative difference on power, usually between acoustic or electric signals, equal to ten times the common logarithm of the ratio of the two level ['desɪbel] 名词
环境 decibel m
 英语 词库
Decibel ['desɪbel] 名词
军队, 缩写 dBi (referenced to isotropic radiator)
缩写, 苏格兰语 dB
decibel ['desɪbel] 名词
信息技术, 缩写 db (s)
卫生保健, 通讯, 电子产品 Decibel
Decibels referenced to the carrier 缩写
缩写 dBc (chajnik)
Decibels 名词
军队, 缩写 dBm (referred to 1 milliwatt)