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 英语 词库
Apr 缩写
缩写 ampicillin resistant (Игорь_2006); April
缩写, 医疗的 ampicilline
APR 名词
军队 aerial photographic reconnaissance; agency progress report; air priority rating; airman performance report; annual progress report; armaments planning review; assigned procurement responsibility
技术 adjustable rate mortgage; advance production release; advanced passive reactor; alternate-path retry; antenna pattern recorder; antenna position recorder; aromatic petroleum residues; automatic pattern recognition; automatic pressure relief; automatic programming and recording; avalanche photo resistor; atomic power plant
缩写 Annual Percentage Rate (Alexander Matytsin); Accredited Public Relations; Admission to Practice Rules (court rules); Advisory and Payment Request; Alarm Processing Remote; Always Playing Roots; American Pet Registry; American Precision Industries, Inc.; Annual Percentage Rates; Annual Performance Report; Annual Program Review; Annualized Percentage Rate; Apache Portable Runtime; Arizona Pylon Racing; Army Power Reactor; Army Public Relations; Asian-Pacific Region (Alexander Demidov); Automatic Payment Receipt; Automatic Picture Replacement; Average Penalty Received; Average Prime Rate
缩写, 临床试验 Annual Progress Report (pkat89)
缩写, 信息技术 Advanced Port Replicator (Yerkwantai); Automatic Placement and Routing
缩写, 军队 assign primary zone routing; area of responsibility
缩写, 军队, 航空 actual performance reserve
缩写, 化学 ammonium perrhenate (Charikova)
缩写, 医疗的 Anatomical Programmable Radiography (harser); Antiretroviral Pregnancy Registry (iwona); abdominoperineal resection; amebolic prevalence rate; anterior pituitary reaction
缩写, 商务风格 annualized percentage rate (of interest)
缩写, 外交事务 Asia-Pacific Region
缩写, 教育 Air-purifying respirator
缩写, 文件扩展名 Alternate Path Retry; Datá (Lotus Approach 97); Employee performance review (Employee Appraiser)
缩写, 汽车 air pump relay; Association Peugeot-Renault
缩写, 电子产品 active page register; algorithm for pattern recognition; amateur packet radio; automatic passbook recording; automatic place and route
缩写, 石油/石油 a trademark for an annular pressure-responsive valve for a DST string; alpha-numeric
缩写, 航空 Auxiliary Power Reserve (Interex); advance parts release; agency procurement request; approach; APU power relay; auto pitch rocking; automated power reserve; automatic paralleling relay; automatic performance reserve; auxiliary power relay
缩写, 苏格兰语 Air Photo Reader (UK); Auto/Auxiliary Power Reserve
缩写, 财政 Annual PRSP Progress Report
缩写, 铝业 alumina precipitation ratio
缩写, 马卡罗夫 acoustic paramagnetic resonance; airborne profile recorder; alphameric; alphanumeric; avalanche photoresistor
股票交易 annual percentage rate (dimock)
能源行业 advanced product release
apr. 缩写
缩写, 地球科学 April
apr 名词
油和气 apparent
APR 缩写
缩写 automatic production recording system
缩写, 信息技术 automatic placement and routing program
缩写, 商业活动 acres per hour; Form A of Postal Regulation
缩写, 地球科学 aid positioning record; Asia-Pacific Rim
缩写, 石油/石油 abnormal pressured reservoir; accounting profit royalty; adaptive pattern recognition; air priority; American Petroleum Refiners; analog parameter record; annulus pressure respondent; annulus pressure response; annulus pressure responsive; anti-plugging relay; applied pressure ratio; Association of Petroleum Refiners; Association of Petroleum Rerefiners; automatic production recording; available power response; average penetration rate
缩写, 空间 active prominence region; auto power reserve
缩写, 统计数据 adjusted prevalence ratio (iwona)
缩写, 航空 actual performance reserve; automated parts release; automatic power reserve
缩写, 药店 Annual Product Review (ежегодный обзор качества продукции Olga_Tyn)