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名词 | 缩写
 英语 词库
SEA [si:] 缩写
缩写, 医疗的 spontaneous electrical activity   ؛staphylococcal enterotoxin А
缩写, 教育 sound emission analysis
缩写, 整形外科 superior epigastric artery
缩写, 汽车 sound-emission analysis
缩写, 畜牧业 sheep erythrocyte agglutination
缩写, 股票交易 Securities and Exchange Act
缩写, 航海 Seattle Wa, U.S.A.   ؛Tacoma Wa, U.S.A.
缩写, 航空 safety equipment association   ؛single engine asymmetry   ؛software error analysis
缩写, 非政府组织 Stamford Education Association (iwona)
.SEA 缩写
缩写 Self Extracting Archive (Macintosh)
Sea [si:] 缩写
缩写, 石油/石油 Seabreez
SEA [si:] 缩写
军队 safety engineering analysis   ؛sea echelon area   ؛service educational activities   ؛Southeast Asia   ؛special equipment authorization   ؛standard electronics assembly   ؛system engineering analysis   ؛system error analysis
技术 scanning electrostatic analysis   ؛special-effect amplifier   ؛sudden enhancement of atmospherics
缩写 South-Eastern Asia   ؛Southern Economic Association   ؛Science and Engineering Alliance   ؛Senate Enrolled Act   ؛Single European Act   ؛South East Area   ؛South East Asia   ؛Special Education Assistant   ؛State Economic Area   ؛Strategic Environmental Assessment   ؛Systems Engineering And Assessment   ؛Safe Emulsion Agar   ؛Safeway Employees Association   ؛Scientific Exploration Of Atlantis   ؛SEATAC International Airport, Seattle/ Tacoma, Washington USA   ؛Securities Exchange Act   ؛Self Evident Application   ؛Self Expanding Application   ؛Shetland Environmental Agency   ؛Sience and Education Administration   ؛Skill Enthusiasm Attitude   ؛Society for Education Through Art   ؛Society for Electronic Access (organization)   ؛Sports Electronic Archiving   ؛State Earthquake Administration   ؛state economic area   ؛statistical energy analysis (Yakov)   ؛Strategic Education Activities   ؛Superior Engineering Associates   ؛Support Encouragement And Accountability   ؛the Society for Education Through Art
缩写, 互联网 Simply Enchanting Angels   ؛So Easily Amused
缩写, 信息技术 Self- Extracting compressed Macintosh file Archive   ؛standard electronic assembly
缩写, 光学 surface-emitting array
缩写, 免疫学 soluble egg antigens   ؛staphylococcal enterotoxin A
缩写, 公司治理 security evacuation allowance
缩写, 军队 Strategic Enterprise Architecture   ؛ships' bunkers easy acquisition
缩写, 商业 Securities Exchange Authority
缩写, 地球科学 Science and Education Administration   ؛Seattle   ؛solvent-extract analysis   ؛specific energy absorption   ؛Structural Engineers Association   ؛subterranean exploration agency
缩写, 收音机 special effect amplifier   ؛special effects amplifier
缩写, 政治 South-East Asia (MichaelBurov)
缩写, 教育 Science Education Adventure   ؛Science Education And Adventure   ؛State Education Agency   ؛Support Education And Advocacy
缩写, 教育, 科学的 Students For Environmental Action
缩写, 文件扩展名 Spherical Electrostatic Analyzer   ؛Standard Extended Attribute (OS/2)
缩写, 水肺潜水 Scubapro Educational Association
缩写, 法律 search engine advertising (Quite simply, search engine advertising is about making your company / brand visible within the Internet's major search engines to ... Alexander Demidov)
缩写, 环境 Software For Environmental Awareness
缩写, 电子产品 semiconductor equipment assessment   ؛Signal Engineering Agency   ؛static error analysis   ؛system effectiveness analyzer
缩写, 空间 sun exclusion angles
缩写, 编程, 信息技术 Self Expanding Archive
缩写, 联合国 Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (S3_OPS)
缩写, 股票交易 Bio- Aqua Systems, Inc.
缩写, 航海 Seafarers' Employment Agreement (tau12)   ؛senior enlisted adviser
缩写, 苏格兰语 Sachse Engineering Associates Inc. (USA)   ؛Senior Enlisted Advisor
缩写, 计算机网络 self-extracting archive   ؛SoftSolutions Enterprise Administrator
缩写, 计算机网络, 信息技术 Self Extracting Archive
缩写, 财政 Southeast Asia and Pacific Department   ؛Single European Authorization
缩写, 足球 Seattle Seahawks
缩写, 运输 Seattle - Tacoma International Airport
缩写, 马卡罗夫 static-exchange approximation
.sea 缩写
文件扩展名 Self Extracting Archive (file name extension, Macintosh)