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An unidentified | target
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An aircraft or ship that has not been determined to be hostile friendly or neutral using identification friend or foe and other techniques but that must be tracked by air defense or naval engagement | systems
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缩写 | 冠词 | 短语
 英语 词库
AN [æn] 缩写
缩写 access network; ambient noise; air natural cooling; Aerodynamics Note; air natural (cooled)
缩写, 商业活动 annals; answer; ante; arrival note
缩写, 地球科学 acid value; Aitken Nuclei; andalusite; Antarctica
缩写, 石油/石油 accession number; acetonaphthalene; acetonitrile; analysis; Anathermal; anhedral; aniline; ankerite; annealed in nitrogen; antinode
缩写, 空间 aluminium nitrate
缩写, 纺织工业 advice note
缩写, 航空 airforce navy; area navigation
缩写, 计算 Analyse
AN [æn] 冠词
供水 ammoniacal nitrogen
军队 aids to navigation; airship, nonrigid; alerting network; alphanumeric; arrival notice
技术 actinium emanation; action; air natural cooled; alignment network; anisyl; astronavigation; autonomous navigation
缩写 Account Number; Adult Nationals; Anchorage Field Office; Air Force-Navy; Alternating Network; Anglo-Norman; Army Number; autograph note; Net Tender
缩写, 信息技术 Access Node; Architecture Neutral; Abstract Syntax Notation
缩写, 公司治理 advisory note
缩写, 军队 Alphanumeric; Army And Navy; Army Navy; Army Nurse; Auxiliary, Netlayer; Army-Navy; Army/Navy; Army/Navy number; analog nonsecure
缩写, 军队, 航空 AS A Army and Navy Air Service Association
缩写, 农业 ammonium nitrate
缩写, 化学, 科学的 Ammonium Nitrate
缩写, 医疗器械 arterial needle (darvlasim)
缩写, 医疗的 acanthosis nigricans, чёрный акантоз (doc090); Anesthesiology (код больничного отделения Ying); admission number (Ying); aceptic necrosis; aneurysm; anonymous; antenatal; avascular necrosis
缩写, 土壤科学 andosol; andesite
缩写, 塑料 Acrylonitrile
缩写, 政治 Netherlands Antilles; Andorra
缩写, 汽车 acid number
缩写, 电信 Absolute Name
缩写, 电子产品 artificial network (iwona); active network; active node; alkyl naphthalene; annealing; anthracene; Auger neutralization process
缩写, 电气工程 audible noise
缩写, 石油/石油 acrilonitrile; air natural; alpha-numeric
缩写, 编程, 信息技术 Applications Note
缩写, 聚合物 acrylonitrile; air natural-cooled
缩写, 股票交易 Automation, Inc. of Delaware
缩写, 航空 alphabetical/numerical (Interex); aircraft captain; aircraft nuts; airways navigation; anchor nut; army-navy standard; autonetics; auxiliary navigator or observer; normal acceleration
缩写, 苏格兰语 Air Force / Navy (USA); Air Navigation; Armada Nacional (Paraguay Navy)
缩写, 质量控制和标准 acceptance number; STD Army-Navy Standard
缩写, 通讯 Access Network/Node
缩写, 铁路术语 Apalachicola Northern Railroad
美国宇航局 Analog
能源行业 air-natural-cooled; atomic number; average number
An [æn] 冠词
军队 Antonov (Soviet aircraft manufacturer); airman
缩写 annulus; anorthite; anthracite; anode (Vosoni); normal atmosphere (Vosoni); athenium; normal (= atmosphere)
缩写, 商业活动 antioxidant
缩写, 地球科学 actinide; andradite; Anthropogen; nozzle area; total nozzle area
缩写, 石油/石油 actinides; actinon; analcite; anisole; anthophyllite; Anthropogene; antigorite
能源行业 cross-sectional area of nozzle
An. 冠词
拉丁 Annus ("year")
法律 anonymous
缩写, 医疗的 anisometropia
缩写, 地球科学 annals; normal atmosphere
an [æn] 缩写
缩写 annealed; annual
缩写, 医疗的, 拉丁 ale nasi
聚合物 above-named
an. 缩写
缩写 answer
缩写, 医疗的 anterior
缩写, 地球科学 anode
an' 冠词
非正式的 and
: 2 短语, 1 学科