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 英语 词库
yes [jes] 缩写
缩写 Yamaha Education Suite (Alex Lilo); Yankees Entertainment & Sports (Alex Lilo); Yellowstone Ecosystem Studies (Alex Lilo); Young Engineers Sportscar (automobile Alex Lilo); Young Entrepreneurs for Europe (Alex Lilo); Young Epidemiology Scholars (Alex Lilo); Youth and Education Services (Alex Lilo); Youth Education Scholarship (Alex Lilo); Youth Education Series (Disney Institute Youth Programs Alex Lilo); Youth Emergency Services (Alex Lilo); Youth Employment Service (Canada Alex Lilo); Youth Employment Start (Alex Lilo); Youth Employment Strategy (Canada Alex Lilo); Youth Empowerment Summit (Alex Lilo); Youth Engaged in Science (Woodstock, GA Alex Lilo); Youth Engaged in Service (Alex Lilo); Youth Engineering and Science (Alex Lilo); Youth Environmental Summit (Youth Environmental Coalition Alex Lilo); Youth Exchange Scheme (UK Alex Lilo); Youth for Environmental Sanity (Alex Lilo)
缩写, 俚语 yeh (A Hun)
YES [jes] 缩写
缩写 Young Entrepreneurial Spirit; Youth Eastside Services; Youth Emergency Services; Youth Employment Services; Youth Enquiry Service; Youth Enterprise Scheme; Yankee Energy Systems, Inc.; Yankees Entertainment and Sports; Yeast Extract Sucrose; Yellowstone Electronic Solutions (Company); Yield Enhancement Strategy; You Eat Shit; Young Emerging Stars; Young Executive Seminars; Young Executive Singles; Young Executive Student; Young, Empowered, and Single; Your Eggplant System; Your Enjoyment Of Skiing; Youth Extreme Sports; Young Epidemiological Scholars
缩写, 军队, 航空 Yankee escape system
缩写, 商标 Youth Employment Singapore
缩写, 媒体 Yankee Entertainment and Sports
缩写, 宗教 Youth Engaging Scripture; Youth Exposing Satan
缩写, 教育 Young Educators Society; Young Entrepreneurs Society; Your Educational Success; Your Effort Shows; Youth Empowering Systems; Youth Empowerment Summer; Youth Enrichment Services; Youth Exchange Service; Youth, Engineering, and Science; Young Enterprise Scheme (популярная школьная учебная программа (организованная на национальном уровне, в рамках которой старшие ученики организуют какой-либо вид бизнеса и продают товары или услуги с коммерческой целью) Mirinare)
缩写, 教育, 科学的 Young Engineering Students; Your Excellence Succeeds
缩写, 法律 Youth Equipped To Succeed
缩写, 环境 Yellowstone Ecosystem Studies; Youth for Environmental Sanity
缩写, 电子产品 Yield Engineering Systems, Inc.; yield enhancement system
缩写, 空间 yield estimation subsystem
缩写, 组织机构名称 Youth Employment Summit
缩写, 航空 yield estimation system
缩写, 财政 Youth Employment Scheme
缩写, 运动的 Youth Educational Sports
: 4 短语, 3 学科